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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 346« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Barbara Jeanette Davis)

Mr. Ball.
Could you draw an arrow down to show the approximate position?
Mrs. Davis.
It was almost in front of her door, there is a little cement porch to step up to her door.
Mr. Ball.
The arrow which we marked as "D-2" marks the place where your sister-in-law found the second shell?
Mrs. Davis.
Mr. Ball.
You only found two shells, did you, you one and your sister-in-law one?
Mrs. Davis.
Mr. Ball.
What time of day did you find the one shell?
Mrs. Davis.
I don't know. This was probably an hour and a half, maybe 2 hours, after the officer was shot.
Mr. Ball.
What time of day did your sister-in-law find her shell, find the shell that she found?
Mr. Davis.
Somewhere around 4:30, 5, somewhere in there.
Mr. Ball.
Did you later go down to the police station?
Mrs. Davis.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Were you shown a group of people in the police station and asked if you could identify the man?
Mrs. Davis.
Mr. Ball.
Were you alone in that room when you were shown these people?
Mrs. Davis.
No, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Who was with you?
Mrs. Davis.
My husband, my sister-in-law was with me, and some other men.
Mr. Ball.
That is your husband Troy, your sister-in-law Virginia Davis, and yourself, and other men?
Mrs. Davis.
Mr. Ball.
Did you know those men?
Mrs. Davis.
No, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Were police officers there?
Mrs. Davis.
They were all in suits, some sat at the back of the room.
Mr. Ball.
When those--how many men were shown to you in this lineup?
Mrs. Davis.
Mr. Ball.
Were they of the same size or of different sizes?
Mrs. Davis.
Most of them was about the same size.
Mr. Ball.
All white men, were they?
Mrs. Davis.
Mr. Ball.
Did you recognize anyone in that room?
Mrs. Davis.
Yes, sir. I recognized number 2.
Mr. Ball.
Number 2 you recognized? Did you tell any policeman there anything after you recognized them?
Mrs. Davis.
I told the man who had brought us down there.
Mr. Ball.
What did you tell him
Mrs. Davis.
That I thought number 2 was the man that I saw.
Mr. Ball.
That you saw?
Mrs. Davis.
Mr. Ball.
By number 2, was the man you saw the man you saw doing what?
Mrs. Davis.
Unloading the gun.
Mr. Ball.
And going across your yard?
Mrs. Davis.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
That was about what time of day that you were at the lineup?
Mrs. Davis.
It was after 8, I am sure.
Mr. Ball.
After when?
Mrs. Davis.
After 8 o'clock.
Mr. Ball.
On what day?
Mrs. Davis.
On Friday, the same day.
Mr. Ball.
The same day? It was after 8 o'clock on Friday, the same day that you had seen the man unloading the gun?
Mrs. Davis.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Dulles.
Have you any way of fixing the time of when the man ran across your lawn, approximately?
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