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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 106« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Ruth Hyde Paine Resumed)

Mrs. Paine.
and more that her son was doing important anti-subversive work for the government. This was 1962 he was talking about, but that this was her opinion or what she may have wished to have true. And I did not consider it terribly creditable, and said to him "You don't think you have a story here, do you?"
Mr. Jenner.
You also recall
Mrs. Paine.
May I put in another point here?
Mr. Jenner.
In connection with this subject matter?
Mrs. Paine.
Mr. Jenner.
All right.
Mrs. Paine.
I called and the man to whom I talked, I don't know if it was Lee, or I think it was someone else who answered first, I am not certain at all.
Mr. Jenner.
Mrs. Paine.
Odum? It certainly was not Odum. I know him. But someone answered the phone and I told this to him, and perhaps it was Lee. He said to me in response to my inquiring "What shall I do, here is this man coming," he said "well you don't know anything of this nature do you?" I said, "No".
Then anything you might have to say is sheer conjecture on the subject?"
"Then you should certainly make that plain in talking with him."
Mr. Jenner.
Did you do so?
Mrs. Paine.
Yes; I certainly did. And I felt as though I really shouldn't have bothered them. This was not of interest to them. But then I was called back later by the FBI on the same subject.
Mr. Jenner.
And you reported that conversation, the subsequent call back by the FBI?
Mrs. Paine.
No. You have content of the first conversation I think there, isn't that so, or it might have been?
Mr. Jenner.
There are a series, Mrs. Paine, that run in this order. The first was on December 28, 1963. The conversation occurred between you and an Agent Lee, and it was a telephone interview?
Mrs. Paine.
Mr. Jenner.
I have asked You about that, and I have read from the report and you have affirmed that you so reported to the agent. And on the next day, December 29, 1963, you had a telephone conversation, whether you called or whether the agent called with Kenneth C. Howe.
Mrs. Paine.
What is his name?
Mr. Jenner.
Kenneth C. Howe, on this same subject. I have questioned you about that, and I have read from the report, and you have affirmed as to that. Then on January 3, 1964, this apparently was an interview at your home by Agent Odum? Do you recall that?
Mrs. Paine.
Agent Odum has been out a great deal.
Mr. Jenner.
In which you say, did you not, that this reporter Hudkins of the Houston Post newspaper in his contact with you on the previous Saturday, December 28 had stated that the FBI was foolish to deny that Agent Joseph Hosty, being a reference to the FBI agent we have been talking about today, had tried to develop Lee Harvey Oswald as an informant. You stated you had made no comment one way or the other to Hudkins regarding this remark, and furthermore that you knew that--
Mrs. Paine.
Would you please repeat that, that I stated?
Mr. Jenner.
I will read it all to you then. You advised that Lonny Hudkins, the reporter of the Houston Post in his contact that he had with you on the previous Saturday, December 28, 1963, had stated to you that the FBI was foolish to deny that Agent Hosty had tried to develop Lee Harvey Oswald as an informant. Did you make that statement?
Mrs. Paine.
Not in just those terms.
Mr. Jenner.
Did you make the further statement that you made no comment one way or the other to Hudkins regarding this remark of his to you? In order to get this in the proper posture, Mrs. Paine--
Senator Cooper.
Do you understand the question?
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