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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 421« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Michael R. Paine)

Mr. Liebeler.
Do you think it is probable or improbable that you placed the mark on the map, the one we have just been talking about, at Boil and San Jacinto Streets?
Mr. Paine.
I remember in asking the clerk where it was, and I had a map of this sort, that was also in August when I was looking for places. I would have guessed I would not. I would have been able to see where it was and know in my mind where I wanted to go.
Mr. Dulles.
Is that the same kind of a mark or a different kind of mark that is on the other side of the map to which we have just referred, the area map?
Mr. Paine.
It is a different mark. That mark that is on the other side of the map to which we have just referred, the area map, was our house. So I made a little square that I can see and indicate a house rather than--generally I don't make marks on maps. I look up where I want to go and I go.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did your wife tell you when she had given this map to Oswald?
Mr. Paine.
I suppose she gave it very soon after he came back and started looking for work.
Mr. Liebeler.
And you said it was August of 1963 when you were looking to find this reproduction place; is that correct?
Mr. Paine.
That is correct.
Mr. Liebeler.
I call your attention to a mark on Hillcrest and Asbury, and I ask you if you put that mark on the map?
Mr. Paine.
I don't recall making that mark. I think it is different from the other mark, and it is--if I were to make a mark that is more the way I would make a mark. It also happens to be the cafeteria where I like to eat, where you can get all you want for a dollar there, and it is a very good meal. So I would be interested in that, in locating it. Here is one of the places where I was thinking of buying property.
Mr. Dulles.
Is there a mark there at that place where you were interested in buying property?
Mr. Paine.
I don't think there is. I almost guessed that I didn't have that map at that time. Also I was not living--I would guess for a further reason that I would not have this map on the time of that August date was because I hadn't been living--I had been living in this apartment, and I had a map over there, and I probably didn't have the same map that Ruth had around her house.
Mr. Liebeler.
So you think it is probably likely you didn't place any marks on that map other than the one indicating your home?
Mr. Paine.
That is correct. In other words, I think that mark was placed there quite a long time back, because I have been interested in this locating of property for several years.
Mr. Liebeler.
Is the mark at the Hillcrest Avenue spot, a mark of the type that you usually make?
Mr. Paine.
And, as I say, I don't usually make a mark, but I think I might more likely have made that kind of mark, more than some of the others--somebody else has put marks here with a ball-point pen which are not the kind I would make.
Mr. Liebeler.
In reviewing this map with the FBI, were there any other marks on the map that it was developed that you possibly put on the map other than the ones we have discussed?
Mr. Paine.
I don't now remember any others. This one of the cafeteria there is not exactly at the right spot.
Mr. Liebeler.
The mark at Hillcrest Avenue?
Mr. Paine.
That is right.
Mr. Liebeler.
As you look at the map now do you see any other marks which you think you might have put on the map?
Mr. Paine.
No. We went over it at mealtime in considerable detail, he having located most of the marks he could find on the map--no, I guess it was still marked up like this. We didn't find anything that I can remember there that I might have put on there.
Mr. Liebeler.
Now, on the basis of your knowledge of Oswald and your meeting with him, and your familiarity with him prior to the time of the assassination, did you form an opinion about him as to whether or not he would be
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