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(Testimony of Comdr. James J. Humes)Is the first sheet then in that group the notes you made when you talked to Doctor Perry? Commander HUMES. That is correct. sir. Commander HUMES. That is correct. sir. Commander HUMES. The next two sheets are the notes actually made in the room in which the examination was taking place. I notice now that the handwriting in some instances is not my own, and it is either that of Commander Boswell or Colonel Finck. Commander HUMES. Yes, sir. From the time of the completion of this examination until the submission of the written report following its preparation, all of the papers pertinent to this case were in my personal custody. Commander HUMES. Yes, sir; with the exception of the certification to the fact that I, in fact, detailed them in my custody, and a certification that I had destroyed certain preliminary draft notes. Commander HUMES. That is correct, sir. Commander HUMES. Yes, sir. Commander HUMES. I would rather read it from the final report. The final report reads: "The projectiles were fired from a point behind and somewhat above the level of the deceased." Commander HUMES. It stated as follows: "The projectiles were fired from a point behind and somewhat above a horizontal line to the vertical position of the body at the moment of impact." Commander HUMES. This examination, as I have indicated was performed by myself with my two associates. The notes which we have just admitted as an exhibit are in my own hand and are my opinion, was my opinion at that time, as to the best way to present the facts which we had gleaned during this period. Before submitting it to the typist, I went over this with great care with my two associates. One or the other of them raised the point that perhaps this sentence would state more than what was absolutely fact based upon our observations, pointing out that we did not know precisely at that time in what position the body of the President was when the missiles struck, and that therefore we should be somewhat less specific and somewhat more circumspect than the way we stated it. When I considered this suggestion, I agreed that it would be better to change it as noted, and accordingly, I did so.
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