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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 350« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Comdr. James J. Humes)

He is a hospital corpsman, second class, and a medical illustrator in our command at Naval Medical School.

Mr. Specter.
Did you provide him with the basic information from which these drawings were made?
Commander HUMES. Yes, sir.
Mr. Specter.
Distances, that sort of thing?
Commander HUMES. Yes, sir. We had made certain physical measurements of the wounds, and of their position on the body of the late President, and we provided these and supervised directly Mr. Rydberg in making these drawings.
Mr. Specter.
Have you checked the drawings subsequent to their preparation to verify their accuracy?
Commander HUMES. Yes, sir.
Mr. Specter.
And proportion?
Commander HUMES. I must state these drawings are in part schematic. The artist had but a brief period of some 2 days to prepare these. He had no photographs from which to work, and had to work under our description, verbal description, of what we had observed.
Mr. Specter.
Would it be helpful to the artist, in redefining the drawings if that should become necessary, to have available to him the photographs or X-rays of the President?
Commander HUMES. If it were necessary to have them absolutely true to scale. I think it would be virtually impossible for him to do this without the photographs.
Mr. Specter.
And what is the reason for the necessity for having the photographs?
Commander HUMES. I think that it is most difficult to transmit into physical measurements the--by word the exact situation as it was seen to the naked eye. The photographs were there is no problem of scale there because the wounds, if they are changed in size or changed in size and proportion to the structures of the body and so forth, when we attempt to give a description of these findings, it is the bony prominences, I cannot, which we used as points of references, I cannot, transmit completely to the illustrator where they were situated.
Mr. Specter.
Is the taking of photographs and X-rays routine or is this something out of the ordinary?
Commander HUMES. No, sir; this is quite routine in cases of this sort of violent death in our training. In the field of forensic pathology we have found that the photographs and X-rays are of most value, the X-rays particularly in finding missiles which have a way of going in different directions sometimes, and particularly as documentary evidence these are considered invaluable in the field of forensic pathology.
Mr. Specter.
Will you now proceed to show us what Commission Exhibit 385 depicts, please?
Commander HUMES. Actually, I think, sir, at this time the view from the

posterior aspect would also be of value to the Commission. This is--
Mr. Specter.
Doctor, I hand you the second exhibit which is marked Commission Exhibit No. 386.
(Commission Exhibit No. 386 was marked for identification.)
Commander HUMES. I believe at this point I would like to have, if you have my gross autopsy description because I will give the dimensions of these wounds at this time.
Mr. Specter.
We will use the Commission Exhibit No. 387 and I will ask you first of all, for the record, to identify what this document is, Dr. Humes.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 387 for identification.)
Commander HUMES. This document is a copy of the gross autopsy report which was prepared by myself, Dr. Boswell, and Dr. Finck, and completed within approximately 48 hours after the assassination of the President.
Mr. Specter.
Does that report bear your signature at its end?
Commander HUMES. It bears my signature on the first or covering page as well as on my last page, sir.
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