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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 187« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Arnold Louis Rowland)

Mr. Rowland.
About 8:30 p.m.
Mr. Specter.
At the Pizza Inn?
Mr. Rowland.
Yes; Dallas time.
Mr. Specter.
And do you recall the identities of those FBI agents?
Mr. Rowland.
No; I don't.
Mr. Specter.
Were they the same as any who had ever interviewed you before?
Mr. Rowland.
No, sir; none of them are the same.
Mr. Specter.
When was the sixth occasion when you were interviewed by the FBI?
Mr. Rowland.
It was again on Sunday.
Mr. Specter.
This would have been November--it would have been December 1st?
Mr. Rowland.
I don't remember that date but it was--
Mr. Specter.
The second Sunday after the assassination?
Mr. Rowland.
Mr. Specter.
Where was the sixth interview conducted?
Mr. Rowland.
This was at the Pizza Inn.
Mr. Specter.
About what time of the day or night was that?
Mr. Rowland.
About 1 o'clock. This was again right after I came to work.
Mr. Specter.
Was the statement taken from you at that time reduced to writing?
Mr. Rowland.
It was again informal, just taking notes on my statement, had me recount what I had told the other agents.
Mr. Specter.
What were they interested in specifically at that time if you recall?
Mr. Rowland.
They just wanted me to recount everything that I could recall.
Mr. Specter.
Do you know the identity of those agents?
Mr. Rowland.
No, sir; I don't.
Mr. Specter.
Were they again different agents?
Mr. Rowland.
Yes; they were.
Mr. Specter.
From all those you had seen before?
Mr. Rowland.
Mr. Specter.
When had you given the seventh statement to the FBI?
Mr. Rowland.
The last statement I gave I think it was to one FBI agent and a Secret Service Agent.
Mr. Specter.
When did that occur?
Mr. Rowland.
That was either Tuesday or Wednesday of the week. I do not remember which Mr. SPECTER. On the week following the Sunday when you gave the sixth statement?
Mr. Rowland.
Mr. Specter.
Do you recall the identities of those men?
Mr. Rowland.
No, sir; I don't.
Mr. Specter.
Had you ever seen either before?
Mr. Rowland.
No, sir; I hadn't.
Mr. Specter.
Did they reduce your statement to writing?
Mr. Rowland.
No, sir; they just had me recount everything again.
Mr. Specter.
In addition to the times you have already stated, have you ever been interviewed by the FBI on any other occasion?
Mr. Rowland.
No, sir.
Mr. Specter.
Have you ever been interviewed by the Secret Service on any other occasion?
Mr. Rowland.
The afternoon of the 22d and the seventh time was the only two times of the Secret Service.
Mr. Specter.
There was a Secret Service agent present in the sheriff's office?
Mr. Rowland.
Yes; he was Agent Sorrels.
Mr. Specter.
When you gave the affidavit which we have identified as Commission Exhibit 357?
Mr. Rowland.
Mr. Specter.
In addition to the times you have mentioned, have you ever been interviewed by any agent or representative of the Federal Government?
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