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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 185« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Arnold Louis Rowland)

Mr. Rowland.
could identify the man who was up there. They just didn't seem interested at all. They didn't pursue the point. They didn't take it down in the notation as such.
Mr. Specter.
It was more of the fact that they didn't pursue it, didn't include it?
Mr. Rowland.
Mr. Specter.
Or that they said something which led you to believe they were not interested?
Mr. Rowland.
It was just the fact they didn't pursue it. I mean, I just mentioned that I saw him in that window. They didn't ask me, you know, if was this at the same time or such. They just didn't seem very interested in that at all.
Mr. Wright.
By man who was up there you mean man with the rifle?
Mr. Rowland.
They were interested in the man with the rifle, and finding out if anyone could identify him. The other man was the colored man in the other window.
Representative Ford.
A minute ago you indicated that you could see the man in the window with the rifle because of the light conditions, I think you referred to the sun shining in that direction toward the building. Was the sun bright, do you recall that at all?
Mr. Rowland.
Yes; the sun was out, somewhat bright. I didn't. have any sunglasses on at that time because I had broken them the week before, and I hadn't gotten any new ones. The sun was shining in from what I could tell he was standing where I seen him through the window on my right. This would be the east window of the pair. It appeared as though the sun were shining in through either a window on the other side of the building, on the west side of the building, or possibly the western pair, one of the pair. This sun was--that hit him about from the shoulders down as far as I could see, that is why I was able to tell the rifle was of the type or such that it was.
Representative Ford.
As you faced the window, as you faced the building, the sun was shining over which shoulder, to your left or your right shoulder?
Mr. Rowland.
As I faced the building the sun was shining--well, I would have been facing the building if the building were in this direction more or less this way and the sun would have been shining from this area.
Representative Ford.
Over your left shoulder?
Mr. Rowland.
Yes; forward.
Representative Ford.
That is all.
Mr. Specter.
Were you able to identify the man whom you saw in the window with the rifle for the FBI agents?
Mr. Rowland.
Mr. Specter.
Did they have pictures with them at that time?
Mr. Rowland.
I have seen three pictures of Lee Harvey Oswald, two of them in the paper. They had a morning newspaper was all they had. It Wasn't a very good picture, and I couldn't tell. I didn't know, I wasn't going to say because I didn't, I mean. I just couldn't identify him. I wouldn't be I had already resigned myself not to be given that task, because I couldn't definitely say any one man was that man.
Mr. Specter.
And what was the basis of your concluding, as you put it, that you resigned yourself to that task?
Mr. Rowland.
This was because I just didn't have a good enough look at his face.
Mr. Specter.
Was that your conclusion at this moment that you are unable to identify, with precision and certainty, the man whom you saw holding the rifle in the window of the Texas School Book Depository Building?
Mr. Rowland.
Yes; that is true.
Mr. Specter.
Do you believe that you could identify the Negro gentleman in window "A" whom you testified ,you saw?
Mr. Rowland.
I would have to say perhaps. I can't say for sure.
Mr. Specter.
A moment ago you testified that you gave statements to seven different pairs of FBI agents. Have you already testified about three of those occasions, or, stated differently, start at the beginning and toll us, as best you
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