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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 147« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Rufus Wayne , Special Agent, Youngblood)

Mr. Youngblood.
Yes, sir; in all probability. This is a normal police arrangement.
Mr. Specter.
And would you identify the occupants of Vice President Johnson's car, indicating the positions in the car of each individual?
Mr. Youngblood.
All right, sir. The driver of this car was Hurchel Jacks, and he is with the State Highway Patrol. And behind him was Senator Ralph Yarborough, from Texas. And in the middle back seat was Mrs. Johnson. And on the right-hand side of the back seat, behind me, was the Vice President. And I was in the front seat on the right-hand side.
Mr. Specter.
And what kind of an automobile was it?
Mr. Youngblood.
This was a Lincoln convertible, a four-door convertible.
Mr. Specter.
Is this a specially constructed automobile, or was it obtained locally for use during this trip?
Mr. Youngblood.
It was obtained locally for use during the trip.
Mr. Specter.
And what car immediately followed the Vice President's automobile?
Mr. Youngblood.
The Vice Presidential detail had a followup car which followed our car.
Mr. Specter.
What kind of an automobile was that?
Mr. Youngblood.
It was either a Lincoln or a Mercury, I don't know the exact make. It was a Ford product, and it was a four-door car. But it was closed.
Mr. Specter.
Can you identify the occupants of that car, stating where each sat?
Mr. Youngblood.
The front seat, the driver, I think his name is Rich. He is always on the Texas Highway Patrol. In the front seat in the middle is Cliff Garter. He is an assistant to the Vice President's staff.
(At this point, Representative Boggs withdrew from the hearing room.)
Mr. Youngblood.
On the right-front side was Jerry Kivett. He is one of the agents on the Vice Presidential detail. And in the back seat, behind the driver, was Warren Taylor, and in the back seat on the other side was my agent, Lem Johns.
Mr. Specter.
Do you know how many cars there were in the balance of the motorcade?
Mr. Youngblood.
No, sir; I don't.
Mr. Specter.
What was the maximum speed at which the motorcade proceeded from Love Field down to the downtown area of Dallas?
Mr. Youngblood.
I doubt if the motorcade ever exceeded 20 miles or 25 miles an hour, and most of the time it was going slower than that.
Mr. Specter.
What was the minimum speed, would you estimate, during that time?
Mr. Youngblood.
We actually came to stops during this time.
Mr. Specter.
How many stops?
Mr. Youngblood.
More than one. Two or more.
Mr. Specter.
What occurred during the course of those stops, or what prompted them?
Mr. Youngblood.
Well, these stops were made by the Presidential car to greet well-wishers, students on one particular occasion, and other groups of well-wishers, that were assembled along the streets.
Mr. Specter.
Did Vice President Johnson greet anyone at those stops?
Mr. Youngblood.
He did greet them, but he didn't leave the car, I think. He remained in the car. I got out of the car and stood by the side of it on more than one occasion. He waved at people, and some did run over, and I think he did touch some. But he didn't leave the car.
Mr. Specter.
How far behind the President's followup car did the Vice President's followup car drive?
Mr. Youngblood.
The Vice President's followup car?
Mr. Specter.
Pardon me the Vice President's automobile.
Mr. Youngblood.
We usually stayed on motorcades like this about two or three car lengths behind.
Mr. Specter.
And did your distance on this occasion conform to your customary practice of being that distance behind?
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