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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 127« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William Robert , Special Agent, Greer)

Mr. Specter.
How did you personally return to Washington, D.C.?
Mr. Greer.
I returned on Air Force 1 with the President's remains.
Mr. Specter.
And at approximately what time did you leave Dallas to fly back?
Mr. Greer.
I would have to look in my reports to say exactly. I would have to go back on the times. Two something but I don't remember.
Mr. Specter.
Do you have any idea of the time you arrived in the Washington area?
Mr. Greer.
I believe it was 6 or 6:15. As I say I have it in my reports but I haven't looked at the times recently.
Mr. Specter.
Where did you arrive in the Washington area?
Mr. Greer.
At Andrews Air Force Base.
Mr. Specter.
What did you do next in connection with this matter?
Mr. Greer.
I helped to get the casket out of the plane, and put it into a Navy ambulance and then I drove that Navy ambulance to Bethesda Naval Center.
Mr. Specter.
What did you do upon arriving at the Bethesda Naval Center?
Mr. Greer.
I stayed in, while the autopsy was being performed, I stayed in the autopsy room with Mr. Kellerman and the doctors and the people who were in there. I stayed in there and observed what was necessary that I could do.
Mr. Specter.
Were any Secret Service Agents present besides you and Mr. Kellerman?
Mr. Greer.
No, sir.
Mr. Specter.
At the autopsy?
Mr. Greer.
There may have been, Mr. Hill may have come in and out but he didn't stay there. Mr. Kellerman and I stayed permanently the whole time there. There may have been, Mr. Hill may have come in there and have gone back out but he didn't stay in there.
Mr. Specter.
During the course of the autopsy did you hear any doctor say anything about the wound on the right side of Mr. Kennedy's back?
Mr. Greer.
That was the first time that I had ever seen it when the doctors were performing the autopsy, they saw this hole in the right shoulder or back of the head, and in the back, and that was the first I had known that he was ever shot there, and they brought it to our attention or discussed it there a little bit.
Mr. Specter.
What conversation was there concerning the wound on the right back?
Mr. Greer.
Well, the doctors and people who were performing the autopsy, when they turned the body apparently over they discovered that this wound was in the back, and they thought that they probably could get a bullet out of there, and it took a lot of--then they took more X-rays, they took a lot of X-rays, we looked at them and couldn't find the trace of any bullet anywhere in the X-rays at all, nothing showed on the X-rays where this bullet or lead could have gone.
Mr. Specter.
Approximately where in the President's back was the bullet hole?
Mr. Greer.
It was, to the best of my recollection it was, back here, just in the soft part of that shoulder.
Mr. Specter.
Indicating the upper right shoulder area?
Mr. Greer.
Upper right, yes.
Mr. Specter.
Was there any effort made to probe that wound by any doctor?
Mr. Greer.
I believe, yes, I believe the doctors probed to see if they could find that there was a bullet there.
Mr. Specter.
Do you know which doctor that was?
Mr. Greer.
No, sir; I don't, I don't have their names at this time.
Mr. Specter.
Did any doctor make any statement about the results of his probing effort?
Mr. Greer.
I questioned one of the doctors in there about that, and when we found out that they had found a bullet in Dallas, I questioned the doctor about it and he said if they were using pressure on the chest that it could very well have been, come back out, where it went in at, that is what they said at the time.
(At this point, Representative Ford entered the hearing room.)
Mr. Specter.
Was anything said about any channel being present in the body for the bullet to have gone on through the back?
Mr. Greer.
No, sir; I hadn't heard anything like that, any trace of it going on through.
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