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(Testimony of John F. Gallagher)
Madison, Hilarion, vol. VIII, 430; vol. Martin, Charles, vol. XIV, 252
IX, 9 Martin, Frank M.: Madland, Robley D., vol. VIII, 349; Testimony, vol. XII, 277-285 vol. XIII, 259, 284, 293-295 Referred to, vol. XII, 92, 133, 163, Magid, Hyman, vol. XIV, 441 221, 240-242, 256, 272-273, 302, Magid, Ronnie, vol. XIV, 441 310; vol. XIII, 269 Mahon, Representative George H., vol. Martin, J. B., vol. III, 265-266 VII, 461 Martin, James Herbert: Mahon, James F., vol. XIV, 613 Testimony, vol. I, 469-502; vol. II, Majors, Rosa M., vol. VI, 117, 151 1-32 Malley, James R.: Referred to, vol. I, 2, 59-60, 125, 174, Testimony, vol. XI, 468-469 243-244, 266-267, 285-290, 307, Referred to, vol. V, 141, 143; vol. 332, 334339, 341, 347-348, 405- XI, 469 406, 415, 417, 420, 441; vol. II, 56, Mallory, Katherine, testimony, vol. 313-314,' 316, 330, 429, 510; vol. XI, 210-212 III, 114; vol. V, 399-460, 412, 549, Malone, Suzanne, vol. XIV, 604 603-604; vol. IX, 119-120, 158 Mamantov, Ilya A.: 159, 352-353, 355, 374, 398, 428-429 Testimony, vol. IX, 102-131 Martin, James Herbert (Mrs.), vol. I, Referred to, vol. II, 17, 417; vol. III, 59-60, 125, 341, 415, 420, 464; vol. 81, 127; vol. VIII, 358; vol. IX, III, 114; vol. V, 399 219, 307, 366, 452; vol. XI, 133 Martin, Jim, Vol. XIII, 71; vol. XIV, Mamantov, Ilya A. (Mrs.), vol. IX, 231, 245-248, 251-257, 259-261, 280, 104 300, 363, 305-306, 315-316, 399, 473 Mamikonian, Helen, vol. III, 136; vol. Martin, John, vol. XI, 375, 380; vol. IX, 367 XIV, 420 Mandel, Judy, vol. IX, 97 Martin, Mary, vol. XIV, 61, 285 Mandella, Arthur: Martin, Murphy, vol. XV, 348 Testimony, vol. IV, 48-56; vol. XV, Martin, Shirley (Mrs.), vol. III, 140; 745-746 vol. IX, 349-350 Referred to, vol. IV, 47 Martin, W. J., vol. V, 241 Mangrum, John E., vol. XIV, 111 Martino, John, vol. XI, 380 Mann, Thomas, vol. V, 366, 370 Marzani, Aldo, vol. XV, 734 Marcelli, Aguto, vol. II, 49 Mason, Morton, vol. XV, 748 Marcus, George, vol. XIV, 373, 375, Massey, Barbara Anne, vol. VIII, 88 380 Massey, H. R., vol. VIII, 88 Marcus, Stanley, vol. V, 517; vol. Masterton, G. W., vol. V, 350-351, 353 XIV, 483 Mastin, Tom, Jr., vol. XV, 163, 182 Markham, Helen Louise (Mrs.): Matthews, R. D., vol. XIV, 613, 622 Testimony, vol. III, 305-321, 340- Maxey, Billy Joe: 342; vol. VII, 499-506 Testimony, vol. XII, 285-291 Referred to, vol. II, 51, 55, 57-58; Referred to, vol. XII, 18, 125, 292. vol. III, 336-337, 343, 347; vol. 339, 341, 344, 426-427 IV, 176, 212-213, 215, 221; vol. May, Robert L., vol. XV, 605 V, 546-547, 550-552, 557-559; vol. Maylor, Deutsch I., vol. V, 200 VI, 456-458, 460, 466-468; vol. Maynard, Charlie, vol. VIII, 58 VII, 68-69, 84, 111, 252-255, 262- Maynard, Vickie, vol. VIII, 58 263; vol. XV, 641 Mayo, Logan W.: Markham, James, vol. VII, 84 Testimony, vol. XII, 291-297 Marks, Harry, vol. XIV, 374 Referred to, vol. XII, 75, 78; vol. Marks, J. E., vol. XII, 88 XV, 158-159 Marley, James A., Jr., vol. VIII, 237 Mayor, Georgia, vol. XV, 537, 540, 573- Marshall, Eva, vol. X, 285, 287, 291 575 Marshall, Lauriston C., vol. X, 4 Mazzie, Irving, vol. XV, 209, 212-213, Martello, Francis L.: 248-249 Meadows, A1, vol. XIV, 361 Testimony, vol. X, 51-62; vol. XI, Mebane, David, vol. IV, 103; vol. VI, 471 84 Referred to, vol. IV, 432-435, 437, Mecom, John, vol. IX, 210-211 Meek, Louise (Mrs.), vol. IX, 4, 21 Martin, B. J., testimony, vol. VI, 289- 439 293 Medvedev, Alexander Ivanovich, vol. I, Martin, Bill, vol. XIII, 398-399 85
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