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(Testimony of Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt)(Shaneyfelt Exhibit No. 25 was marked and introduced.) The photograph B is a copy of the plat map of the assassination area which was prepared for the Commission and has previously been designated as Commission Exhibit No. 382. Point No. 1 in photograph A shows Mr. Zapruder in his position---- Point 1 of photograph A shows Mr. Zapruder in his position from which he took his 8-millimeter motion picture film of the assassination. Point 1 in the plat map shows again the point indicating Mr. Zapruder's position as related to other portions of the area. Point No. 2 is the President riding in the Presidential limousine, which is on photograph A of Shaneyfelt Exhibit No. 25. Point No. 3 is the Stemmons Freeway sign that is on the north side of Elm Street in the general area of the assassination. This is also designated as point 3 on the map which is photograph B of Shaneyfelt Exhibit No. 25. In order to relate the photograph A of Shaneyfelt Exhibit No. 25 to the specific frames in the Zapruder motion picture film, I first determined from correspondence, that Mr. Willis was standing along the south curb of Elm Street, approximately opposite the Texas School Book Depository Building. By looking at the photograph A, I find that from the camera angle of Mr. Willis a line drawn from Mr. Willis to Mr. Zapruder would go just to the right of the Stemmons Freeway sign which is point 3 in photograph A. I drew a line from Mr. Zapruder's position with lavendar pencil just past the freeway sign which is position 3 on photograph B over to the general area of the side of Elm Street where Mr. Willis is reported to have taken his pictures. I drew a line from an area about that far from the sign to the area where Mr. Willis was reported to be standing and find that that line passes through
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