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(Testimony of Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt)Point No. 7 refers to the retouching along the left side of Oswald's head in the hair area, and is clearly visible as retouching in the photographs B and C at point No. 7. Point No. 8 refers to an area of background to the right of Oswald's -head, to the left of his head as the viewer looks at the picture. This is an area that has been. airbrushed in order to lighten the background so that the detail of the photograph in that area will be better. Point No. 9 in photographs A, B, and C of Shaneyfelt EXhibit No. 14, shows an area directly below the rifle butt to the side of Oswald's right thigh where retouching has been added to decrease the darkness of the shadow between two fence posts in that area. This is evident in area 9 of photographs B and C. It is more clearly shown Point No. 10 in the three photographs on Shaneyfelt Exhibit No. 14 shows the retouching between the thighs of Oswald. Photograph A shows quite a dark area between the thighs, and this has been eliminated by retouching as shown in 10-B and 10-C, and the retouching clearly shows in 10-C. Likewise, there is a dark shadow along the side of 0swald,s left knee that has been eliminated by retouching or softened by retouching, and this retouching shows in Exhibits B and C at point 11. This represents the primary or outstanding areas of retouching that I found from an examination of the Life magazine photograph, which is Shaneyfelt Exhibit No. 13. Commission by Life magazine, would you now care to state your opinion as to whether-this is customary and normal retouching in connection with the publication of a photograph? Now, today, on the basis of your detailed examination of this retouching, is it still your opinion that the photograph which appeared on the cover of Life magazine is a retouched photograph of the photograph which has. heretofore been designated as Commission Exibit No. 133-A ? (Shaneyfelt Exhibits Nos. 15 and 16 were marked and introduced.) Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; I have.
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