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(Testimony of Capt. Glen D. King)Captain KING. That's true; yes. Captain KING. Yes; we had a general order in the department which in very brief and very general terms set forth a policy of the department so far as their relations with the press was concerned. We had published prior to that time a memorandum from the chief setting forth what the policy of the department would be. Briefly stated, it was the policy that we would render any possible assistance to the press except that assistance which would seriously interfere with any investigation that we had underway. This policy made it the responsibility of each officer of the department to do this. My office is the press relations office, but my office is not the only place in the department where a newsman could get information. It was the responsibility of each member of the department to furnish to the press information on incidents in which they, themselves, were involved, except on matters which involved departmental personnel policies of the department, or, as I said, unless it would obviously interfere with an investigation underway. Captain KING. If it would interfere, then it was the policy that the information would be withheld. Captain KING. It would be withheld from the press; yes. Captain KING. That's correct; yes. Captain KING. It would be--probably; yes, sir. Captain KING. Yes, sir; we have. Captain KING. We have an identification card that we have prepared, the department prepared, and newsmen who are employees of regular news gathering agencies in town, upon identification as such or request of their employer actually, are furnished with the press identification. Captain KING. Yes, sir. Captain KING. Some did seek it--yes. Very little of it actually was done. We received a call from--at least these are the only ones that I can recall, Mr. Hubert, that we gave the identification to---out-of-State or newsmen who did not normally work here we received a call from channel 4, KRLD-TV and they said they had some people in here from out of the city, of which I recall there were eight of these. They were identified to us by Eddie Barker who is the news director of KRLD, and they were furnished press cards. These are the only ones I recall. Captain KING. No, this was subsequent to the assassination. These are the only ones that I can recall that were given for newsmen who came into town to cover this.
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