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(Testimony of Kenneth Lawry Dowe)Just before President Kennedy was assassinated, Ruby was in the Burgundy Room, which is located off the lobby of the Adolphus Hotel and it is a cocktail room, and it is run by an individual, and there was nothing said about his Jewish background. Well, there may have been, too. I don't know, but what some fellow, I don't know who he was--I heard this, and Ruby even told me that he knocked the hell out of him. This guy got up and called him a queer, and Ruby really slaughtered him. I believe he is capable of it, because I have seen him go and he is a little fat boy-- I don't know whether he called Jack a queer or a Jew queer, but Jack made him a new set of teeth. I don't remember whether he said "He called me a Kike queer," or something like that. He might have said that, or maybe said, "Jew queer." I don't recall exactly, but I do remember the queer part of it, and Jack said, "and nobody would talk to me like that." I said, "Do you want me to tell you what I think is a homosexual" and he said, "I didn't ask you." And I said, "Well, you are fishing. If you want to know what I think, I don't. I still don't." And I wouldn't say that about anybody I didn't know. I would have to witness an act or to see it about a man or have somebody I knew who wouldn't lie one bit have to tell me. And if he was, which I have no reason to believe he was--I know being a policeman I have come in contact with all kinds that play the female role and the male role. I can show you several of those muscle boys, big and stout and tough, what we classify as masculine type. I have had ahold of several, and they are hard to get in custody. I have no reason to ever say that about Jack. I have heard it said. I have heard it several times said, but a lot of things are repeated that are not so. Like I say, at night, I worked that district. I would come by there after everybody is out of his joint, and his front door would be open, and he would be icing out his beer. I would walk up to the door and see if the boy was doing anything and would go in, and several times nobody would be in there with me. He never made any motion that would be wrong, and as long as I knew him, he never said anything to me that would indicate that in any way, or anyone that I have known that knew him.
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