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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 439« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Kenneth Lawry Dowe)

Mr. Hansen.
We have asked you to come here today in particular, because after the FBI interviewed you, when they interviewed you, you indicated that you had seen Jack Ruby on, I believe, November 22, and also that you had worked in the section near his club and were generally familiar with him. So for that reason, we have asked you to come here to testify and tell us what you can about Ruby. But also to tell us anything else that you might be able to provide on any of the other matters we are interested in.
Let me also say this. Did we send you a letter asking you to come here?
Mr. Hansen.
Yes; I have it in my pocket.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you receive that letter 3 days ago or longer?
Mr. Hansen.
I have been on a vacation, and it was given to me the 22d by my captain in the traffic division, Captain Thompson. I just come back from a vacation of 20 days, and I believe it was sent while I was on vacation, and they set it up.
Mr. Griffin.
Let me see then, under the rules of the Commission, you are entitled to receive this 3 days before we call you to testify. Are you willing to waive that 3 days?
Mr. Hansen.
I am willing to testify. I want to help you any way I can.
Mr. Griffin.
We ask this as a formal matter, and nobody has insisted on it. Do you have any particular questions that you want to ask me before we proceed?
Mr. Hansen.
No; I don't have any questions at all. I will try to answer anything you ask me as truthfully as I know how.
Mr. Griffin.
Will you please raise your right hand and I will administer the oath to you.
Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give, will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Mr. Hansen.
I do.
Mr. Griffin.
Will you give the court reporter your full name.
Mr. Hansen.
I have an initial. It is T as in Tom, M. Hansen, Jr. Initial T only.
Mr. Griffin.
Where do you live, Officer Hansen?
Mr. Hansen.
I have changed addresses since all this occurred. At the present time I live at 1702 West Lovers Lane in Arlington, Tex.
Mr. Griffin.
Are you a member of the Dallas police force?
Mr. Hansen.
Yes. sir.
Mr. Griffin.
How long have you been with the police department?
Mr. Hansen.
I went on May 30, 1949, I believe.
Mr. Griffin.
What division were you assigned in November of 1963?
Mr. Hansen.
When this occurred, I was working in traffic division, in the traffic division about 11 years.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you have any particular assignment that month?
Mr. Hansen.
The day that the President came through?
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Hansen.
Oh, yes.
Mr. Griffin.
Where were you assigned?
Mr. Hansen.
I was assigned to Main and Akard, which is the corner I have been working for 11 years.
Mr. Griffin.
Is that near the Carousel Club?
Mr. Hansen.
That is two blocks, approximately, from the Carousel Club. The Carousel Club is on the corner of Commerce and Field, and I was working at the corner of Main and Akard the day that the President came through.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you know Jack Ruby before November 22?
Mr. Hansen.
Oh, yes.
Mr. Griffin.
How did you first happen to meet Jack Ruby?
Mr. Hansen.
Well, to the best of my knowledge, approximately in 1950 or 1951, I believe, Jack Ruby ran a beer joint that is what it was, a beer joint down here on South Ervay in the south part of town known as the Silver Spur. At that time when he was running this place, I had been working further south than that over in the colored district, and I was getting moved around. I was a young man, and a new man in the department, and I shifted around, and I went down on squad 41, which the Silver Spur was on that district, and all up and
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