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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 421« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Nancy Monnell Powell)

Mrs. Powell.
In Oklahoma City.
Mr. Griffin.
Were your friends back at your grandmother's house when you got back there?
Mrs. Powell.
Mr. Griffin.
What did you do when you got back to your grandmother's house?
Mrs. Powell.
My grandmother was cooking dinner, and she was really very shaken up about it. She was in tears practically, so I went in and We sat down and we ate.
We got up, and this girl did the dishes, and, of course, we discussed it at great length, and we all watched TV, I would say, until we got sick, just listening to it any more. I thought I was going crazy, but we sat up and watched TV until late that night. Then we went to bed, and the next day we watched TV again. They left the next day in the afternoon. They went on. But they stayed overnight.
Mr. Griffin.
What did you do after they left?
Mrs. Powell.
I didn't do anything. Then I just did normal things that I do when I am at home.
Mr. Griffin.
Didn't you go into Dallas Saturday night?
Mrs. Powell.
Oh, yes, I did. Why did I come over here that night? I had some reason for coming over, and I don't know what it was. I forget what it was now.
I had to see Pappy, this agent here, I was going out of town. I know what it was, I was leaving on Monday to go to Oklahoma City to work, and I needed some money to go up there on, so I had to come over and got money from Pappy to go, and I called Little Lynn.
She used to ride with me until I quit, and I called her and told her that I was coming over here, and if she wanted to ride, she could, because she had to ride the bus. And she said she would like to ride, so I went by and picked her up.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you pick up her husband also?
Mrs. Powell.
Mr. Griffin.
Anybody else?
Mrs. Powell.
Mr. Griffin.
What time did you pick her up?
Mrs. Powell.
She was supposed to be at work at 9 I think, so I must have picked her up around 8, between 8:10 or 8:30.
Mr. Griffin.
Then what did you do?
Mrs. Powell.
We came over and. went to the Colony Club, and Pappy wasn't there, so I went over to the no, first of all, we went to the Carousel. When we got there, it was closed, and the other clubs were open.
This is unusual, because Jack didn't believe in closing. So, then we went over to the Colony Club, and Pappy wasn't there, so Lynn said she was going to call Jack. She needed some money, and he didn't tell her that he was going to be closed.
But he said that he told Andy that he was going to be closed, and Andy was supposed to call her, and he couldn't find her, or something; I don't know. She called Jack.
Mr. Griffin.
Had she gone to work the night before?
Mrs. Powell.
No. They were notified the night before that they weren't going to work, but the next night for some reason they weren't notified. I don't really know why. But she wasn't.
I think someone else showed up that night too. They didn't know they weren't supposed to work. I don't know who it was.
Mr. Griffin.
Another one of the dancers?
Mrs. Powell.
Another girl, I think.
Mr. Griffin.
Who else was working there?
Mrs. Powell.
I don't know. He had some girls at one time that I didn't know.
Mr. Griffin.
Was Kathy Kay working there at that time?
Mrs. Powell.
Mr. Griffin.
Did she show up?
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