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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 419« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Nancy Monnell Powell)

Mr. Griffin.
Did you make normal time?
Mrs. Powell.
I drove very fast.
Mr. Griffin.
About how long did it take you? Where did you get on the Stemmons Expressway?
Mrs. Powell.
Well, I came through town.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you get on there the same way the President had gone?
Mrs. Powell.
Yes; I sure did, because Pete had never been here before. It was his first time. Just when he got the plane to go to Mexico. And I was showing him. We drove by the Depository down there.
Mr. Griffin.
About how long would it have taken you to drive out there?
Mrs. Powell.
Well, I don't recall that it took any longer than it normally would to drive out there. Of course, I slowed down through town. We came down and I slowed down and we looked up at the window. Of course, there was a lot of people, but they were keeping traffic moving, and we went exactly the same route, because I pointed out the building where he was supposed to make his speech. Then I got off, and I wasn't too sure where the hospital was, to tell the truth. I got off and I found it all right, and there was just a lot of traffic around there.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you have any trouble parking when you got to the hospital?
Mrs. Powell.
Sure. People were parking everywhere.
Mr. Griffin.
You think you got out there after you learned the President was dead?
Mrs. Powell.
They hadn't announced it to the people there, I don't think. I know that I knew that the President was dead. The people standing around the hospital did not know it as of yet.
Mr. Griffin.
Were you standing around the main entrance or the emergency entrance?
Mrs. Powell.
I was around at the main entrance, I guess. The main entrance faces this way? Like this is the hospital, and this is Harry Hines, and this is the main entrance?
Mr. Griffin.
Let me ask you to draw a diagram. Put Harry Hines Boulevard and .the Parkland Hospital, and then draw it in such a way that we can tell.
Mrs. Powell.
I will make the hospital here, and this is Harry Hines here. I parked down here somewhere, and all the TV cameras--there was a big truck, was like here with the cameras, and I stood just right here.
Mr. Griffin.
Put a "P" where you were.
Mrs. Powell.
I stood right here, and there was an entranceway here, and, of course, there was a curb right here.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you see President Johnson come out of the hospital?
Mrs. Powell.
No; I didn't. I don't think he was seen, was he? Did they put him in a car with the curtains drawn? I know they kind of worried about him.
Mr. Griffin.
Was the entrance that you were standing by, the entrance that President Kennedy's body was taken into?
Mrs. Powell.
No. See, I wasn't there when they took him in or anything, but I was standing here on this side. Now, this would be Harry Hines running north and south; right?
Mr. Griffin.
Mrs. Powell.
I was standing on the south side of the building, and I think the emergency is around here. There wasn't any way I could. get close to the emergency, because it was just full of cars and people, so I came down here to Hines and pulled up over a curb and got upon the grass and parked down here. They brought the President from somewhere around here, because this is a curb and a street all through here like the front of this.
Mr. Griffin.
I am going to have to stop you a minute, Nancy, because I want to make what you have been saying clear to the people that read the record.
Mrs. Powell.
Mr. Griffin.
Let me ask you at this point where you think the entrance was that you were looking at, the entrance that you were near?
Mrs. Powell.
Right here.
Mr. Griffin.
That is on the south side of the building?
Mrs. Powell.
Yes, it is on the south side.
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