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(Testimony of Nancy Monnell Powell)Mrs. POWELL. She wasn't pulling them down. She wore these very brief flesh-colored things underneath the G-string. She took the G-string and was pulling this front out from her body. Mr. GRIFFIN. She would take off the G-string and have the flesh-colored pants on? Mrs. POWELL. She had her hands like this and was pulling them out or pulling them up, and he saw her, and he just turned the lights out. Mr. GRIFFIN. But this is something you had seen her do previously? Mrs. POWELL. Oh I had seen her, sure; but he has a way of not seeing everything. He is always so busy. I remember one night on the stage I went out and I was very mad, and I stomped around and acted real silly like I had never been on the stage before, for his benefit, and I do 15 minutes, and I was waiting for him to come back and jump on me, and he didn't even see it, and he was right there in the club. He doesn't observe everything. Mr. GRIFFIN. What happened after he turned the lights out on Jada? Mrs. POWELL. She went on and kept dancing in the dark. And she came off and was hollering and screaming, and he went back immediately and jumped on her and said she was trying to get the club closed. And they had a big row and he fired her. He told her she couldn't work the rest of the night. Mr. GRIFFIN. Did he threaten or strike her in any way? Mrs. POWELL. No; he didn't hit her. I wouldn't doubt that he might have. I wouldn't put it past him. Mr. GRIFFIN. Have you ever seen him hit any of the employees? Mrs. POWELL. No. Mr. GRIFFIN. Have you ever had any of the employees tell you that he hit them? Mrs. POWELL No; I guess I call him everything in the book, and he never made an attempt to hit me. I argued with him more than anybody up there, and he never made an attempt to hit me. He never even threatened me. Mr. GRIFFIN. Of course, you had a little protection. You were friendly with his backer? Mrs. POWELL. That wouldn't stop Jack. He doesn't care. I mean, if he felt like doing it, he would do it. Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you ever see him hit any customers? Mrs. POWELL. Once I did. Mr. GRIFFIN. Can you describe that episode? Mrs. POWELL. Yes; Ralph was up there, and Ralph and I were sitting by the door, and this guy Came in. Mr. GRIFFIN. You are talking about Ralph Paul? Mrs. POWELL Yes; and this guy came in and he sat down in a chair behind me, and he was rubbing my back, and I told him to take his hands off of me, and so he wouldn't stop, and Ralph, you know Ralph--my hero---he told him "OK, that is enough. Get out of here." And he was pushing him out, and Jack was in the club and saw him, and he came running over and grabbed the guy and was pushing him out, and he got very upset. because he thought quite a bit of Ralph, and the guy took a swing at Ralph. When he did, Jack just hit him. He hit him and pushed him out and closed the door where he couldn't come back in. Mr. GRIFFIN Was Jack a pretty strong fellow? Mrs. POWELL. From what I understand, he is pretty rough. I have never actually seen him fight or anything. He is actually pretty good natured, really.
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