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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 251« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Norman Earl Wright)

Mr. Griffin.
Look this over and read it carefully and tell me if it accurately records what you told them on the 26th of November.
Mr. Wright.
I think that is pretty much what I said.
Mr. Griffin.
You are satisfied that this is an accurate report of what you said?
Mr. Wright.
Mr. Griffin.
Then let me ask you to sign it on the first page near where I have marked it.
Mr. Wright.
Mr. Griffin.
As a final question, let me ask you, Mr. Wright, is there anything that you can think of that you know about Jack Ruby or know about the activities of November 22, 23, and 24, that might be helpful to the Commission that we haven't covered?
Mr. Wright.
If I did, I would be glad to tell you, but being in Los Angeles during the whole time and not getting back to Dallas until after the middle of January, I have no more knowledge than what I have already stated.
Mr. Griffin.
Have you any information or heard anything which you think might be reliable about how Jack Ruby got into the basement of the police department on the 24th?
Mr. Wright.
No; I don't. But I do believe that the way the---where the source came from, I have no idea, but I did hear that Sheriff Decker sent a car and a wagon, I believe, to pick Oswald up at 2 o'clock in the morning, and Chief Curry said that he had promised the news media that he would bring Oswald down at 11 that morning. Actually, this is hearsay, as far as I am concerned, but I have heard that.
The only other thing that I believe, in my own opinion, the police department is Just as much to blame as Jack in a roundabout way, because there was no reason in the world, with all the police they had, for Jack to walk directly straight through that many people and walk up to a man and shoot him. I personally believe that they shared at least 50 percent of the blame.
Mr. Griffin.
Well, I appreciate your frankness.
Mr. Wright.
Well, that's the only way I can be.
Mr. Griffin.
That's right and I appreciate your coming here today. You have indicated previously that this did interfere with a prospect for a job that you had, so the Commission appreciates anybody who is willing to give us the time under circumstances like that. I have no more questions, and if you have no more questions
Mr. Wright.
I have no more questions.
Mr. Griffin.
All right, thank you very much.

Russell Lee Moore (Knight)

Testimony of Russell Lee Moore ( ) Knight

The testimony of Russell Lee Moore was taken on July 23, 1964, at the U.S. Courthouse, Chicago, Ill., by Mr. Burt W. Griffin, assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
Mr. Griffin.
Lot me start by introducing myself. I am Burt Griffin, and I am a member of the general counsel's staff of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy.
Generally our practice, before we swear the witness in and begin to take testimony, is to give you a little explanation of what we are trying to do here, give you some background on the investigation.
The Commission was set up pursuant to an Executive order of President Johnson, issued on November 29, and a subsequent joint resolution of Congress.
Now, under this Executive order and joint resolution, the Commission is instructed to investigate into and evaluate and report back to the President all the facts surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy and the death of Lee Harvey Oswald.
We are particularly interested in your testimony today because of your ac-
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