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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 197« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Marjorie R. Richey)

Mrs. Richey.
then it could have been before noon. But if there wasn't a morning newspaper there it had to be a Times Herald and that comes in the afternoon, and I don't remember which paper I read.
Mr. Griffin.
Now on Friday or Saturday did you talk with any other people connected with the Carousel Club except for Andy Armstrong and Jack Ruby?
Mrs. Richey.
I don't know.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you talk with Little Lynn?
Mrs. Richey.
No. I don't know any of the showgirls. I mean the only girls that I was friendly with at all was the other waitresses. I mean I would talk to them, you know, like that, but as far as really you know, knowing them or anything like that, well I didn't. It was just the other waitresses. And I may have talked to Bonny or Becky, I don't remember.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you talk to or see Jack Ruby again after--
Mrs. Richey.
After I talked to him on Saturday?
Mr. Griffin.
Mrs. Richey.
Mr. Griffin.
Since then have you talked with anyone or learned anything about when Jack first got the idea about shooting Lee Oswald?
Mrs. Richey.
We talked this at the club. I mean everybody was talking about it. But as far as anybody saying that---when he was going to shoot Oswald or anything like this, I don't recall.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you talk with Kathy Kay at all?
Mrs. Richey.
No. In fact I think I just saw Kathy Kay one time after the club was reopened--was all that I saw her.
Mr. Griffin.
Didn't she come back to work?
Mrs. Richey.
No; she didn't.
Mr. Griffin.
How long had she been working there?
Mrs. Richey.
Longer than I had.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you think it was unusual that she didn't come back to work?
Mrs. Richey.
Well, not really. She went with a policeman in Dallas, so to me I think this, you know, he would have probably felt that this would look bad on him for Kathy working there. This was my impression, I mean.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you know this policeman that she was going with?
Mrs. Richey.
I don't know his name and I doubt if I'd know him if I saw him today, but I mean he had come in the club and I remember he was a real tall guy, nice built, but I don't even remember his name.
Mr. Griffin.
Was it your understanding that she was living with this policeman before the 22d of November?
Mrs. Richey.
That was my impression.
Mr. Griffin.
How did you get that impression?
Mrs. Richey.
Other girls talking.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you know where they were living?
Mrs. Richey.
Mr. Griffin.
Had you heard anything to the effect that they were living near Jack?
Mrs. Richey.
Mr. Griffin.
Did she come to work at all after, Kathy Kay? Did she come to work at all to your recollection after Jack shot Oswald?
Mrs. Richey.
I quit work the day before New Year's, wasn't it, because I wouldn't work New Year's night-- yes, and from the time that Oswald was killed--the time I quit--she hadn't worked again, but I had seen her one time, and I believe that she had come after her costumes, but I can't even be real sure about that but it seems like that is why she was there and she was crying. I remember that. I don't know why she was crying. Now she talked to some of the other waitresses but I never did find out why she was crying.
Mr. Griffin.
Can you give us the names of the other waitresses who talked with her?
Mrs. Richey.
Was Dianna a waitress? Let me clarify myself. Dianna is a waitress; but she also was a showgirl.
Mr. Griffin.
Is that Dianna Hunter?
Mrs. Richey.
Yes; he knows them better than I do. She also worked as a waitress and a showgirl too. Now this is the only one that I know anything
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