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(Testimony of Jesse E. Curry)Chief CURRY. I recall that there were several calls that came to our attention, but I don't remember each one of them. Chief CURRY. Yes. Chief CURRY. No, sir; not that I recall. Chief CURRY. I don't know. Anyone that is in the administrative office or any other part of the police department could have gotten it. Chief CURRY. No, sir; I don't. Chief CURRY. No, sir. Chief CURRY. I think you asked me that once, and I don't recall it. There may have been some discussion, but he could have been moved in another way by getting off on another floor. As I recall it, there was some brief discussion about it, but I think, as I recall it, Fritz didn't want to move him other than in a routine manner. Chief CURRY. Because, as I recall it, he felt like this was the best way to do it, because if he got off on another floor, he wouldn't be protected. He wouldn't have much protection. You can't take very many men with you on a small jail elevator. I believe it was Fritz I was discussing this with; I couldn't be positive on that. As I recall it, there was some mention made of perhaps taking him out on the first floor and trying to get him outside that way, but it was decided that the best way would be to handle him through the basement. Chief CURRY. I don't recall other than someone perhaps thought we could slip him out and it might be better to slip him out rather than to move him according to normal procedures. Chief CURRY. I don't recall; no. I don't believe it was Fritz that suggested he be taken out through the first floor. I think he was opposed to it. Anyway, it was not discussed in great detail. Chief CURRY. Because of the press, I am sure. Chief CURRY. Perhaps that was in the mind of whoever suggested this. But their main thought was to avoid these reporters.
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