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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 111« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William D. , Jr. Crowe)

Mr. Hubert.
"Washington, D.C., June 2, 1964, Exhibit No. 2, Deposition of William D. Crowe, Jr.", and I am signing my name below on that.
(The documents referred to were marked Crowe Exhibits Nos. 1 and 2 for identification.)
Mr. Crowe, I wish you would read both of these documents with this in mind, their I am going to ask you in a moment whether these documents represent the truth or whether there are any changes or corrections that should be made in them, and so forth. So if you would look at them and you can make notes, if you wish on this pad or just make little check marks if you see anything that represents what is now considered by you to be not true. We will go into those matters after you have had a chance to read those documents.
Mr. Crowe.
Those are it; no changes.
Mr. Hubert.
You have examined the two documents which have been marked for identification as Exhibits Nos. 1 and 2 relating to your deposition; and I understand you now to say that those documents represent the truth as you know it, is that correct?
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
Of course, Exhibit No. 2 is your own affidavit.
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
I assume that you signed it--I mean you read it before you signed it?
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
Exhibit No. 1 on the other hand is a report of an interview which you have not seen before, I take it, and I specifically ask you if such is a correct representation of the inquiry?
Mr. Crowe.
Yes; these are the questions, yes.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, will you tell us what is your present recollection concerning whether Oswald was in the Carousel Club during the week preceding the death of the President?
Mr. Crowe.
Would you state the first part of the question again?
Mr. Hubert.
Would you give us your present recollection concerning whether Lee Harvey Oswald was in the Carousel Club on the week preceding the death of the President?
Mr. Crowe.
From what I recall, the face appeared familiar and I possibly saw Lee Harvey Oswald in the club the week before.
Mr. Hubert.
Were the lighting conditions in the club such that you could have seen him?
Mr. Crowe.
To some extent. If he was sitting right at the foot of the stage.
Mr. Hubert.
If not, that is if he were not sitting right at the foot of the stage, then what?
Mr. Crowe.
Then I wouldn't have used him and I wouldn't have seen him.
Mr. Hubert.
In other words, your act required that you use the people up front in the first place?
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
And secondly, the lighting was such that you couldn't have seen him if he were not in the first row; right?
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
So that whomever you saw you thought and think might have a resemblance to Lee Harvey Oswald must have been in the first row?
Mr. Crowe.
Right. I might say this: Bill Willis, the drummer in the band at the club, said he seemed to remember Lee Harvey Oswald sitting in the front row on Thursday night right in the corner of the Stage and the runway.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you get this from Willis himself?
Mr. Crowe.
Right. But I wouldn't make that statement myself. But then I don't .recall the night or the exact spot.
Mr. Hubert.
I would like to Show you a number of pictures which I am not going to give identifying numbers for this deposition since they have already been given identification numbers, but, for example, I now hand to you four pictures, the first two that I am going to call out being really a series of pictures--no, the first one, I am sorry, being a series of pictures, and the other three being individual pictures. These have previously been identified as Ex-
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