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(Testimony of Dr. William Robert Beavers)Dr. BEAVERS. Yes; I thought this and this was the recommendation of the other doctors that saw him. Dr. BEAVERS. I'm not sure about Dr. Tanay. I don't know that I heard him state that specific thing. I do know that the recommendation of Dr. Holbrook and Dr. Stubblefield and myself, and further that Dr. West, made the same recommendation. I do feel that we had two problems. One was security as well as medical care. I feel like maybe I was perhaps a little bit more concerned about this than maybe some of the other specialists; I don't know. This Just happened to be my own view, that I was not only concerned about this man, hopefully finding a place for hospitalization, but that it would have to be a place where he had adequate security from without as well as any idea of suicide. Dr. BEAVERS. Oh, I would say that many people of unsound mind are deteriorated enough that they do not have adequate memory. Early in the course of many mental illnesses a lot of the faculties, including memory, are preserved, so that this in itself I don't think would---because he has an apparently good memory would not mean that he is of sound mind. Dr. BEAVERS. I'm a little hung up on the term "unusual," because to me, this is a statistical matter when you put it in that phrase, and then you would be talking about what percentage of people do and what percentage of people don't. I meant to ask you specifically, can Jack Ruby be of unsound mind, not know right from wrong, appreciate the nature and quality of his actions, and still have a keen memory, a good memory, and give clear response to questions that appear to place him in touch with reality? Dr. BEAVERS. In my opinion this is possible for a person. Dr. BEAVERS. I think so. You have included a question that I find it very difficult to answer--this business of right and wrong. Dr. BEAVERS. I stated my opinion to the Dallas Criminal Bar Association concerning this particular phraseology, and you asked it inclusive, in terms of several things? I believe that you do have a written report that you have submitted to the court, is that correct? Dr. BEAVERS. Yes, sir. Now, I submitted a written report about the first evaluation, not to the court but to Mr. Burleson, who requested my services on behalf of family. I then sent a shorter report, which included the major points and the recommendations, to the attorneys, to the judge, to Sheriff Decker, and I believe that's all. Now, I assume, and I think it's the case that probably the defense attorneys passed the report on to the Judge, but I did not send it myself,
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