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(Testimony of Dr. William Robert Beavers)Dr. BEAVERS. Perhaps it should be mentioned that I am on the attending staff at Parkland as a psychiatrist and that I consult at the Terrell State Hospital as a psychiatrist. Dr. BEAVER. Yes; on numerous occasions prior to about 4 weeks ago, did I see him. Dr. BEAVERS. Without my records here, it would not completely accurate, but it would be in the area of about 9 or 10 times, I believe. Dr. BEAVERS. I saw him first-can I get somebody to help me with a date? Dr. BEAVERS. The day that Dr. West first came down was on a Sunday. Dr. BEAVERS. He testified Monday morning and then I saw Mr. Ruby first on that Tuesday. Dr. BEAVERS. Right, and at that time he had briefly what I call a psychotic depression, that is, he had evidences of auditory hallucinations and a poorly defined but definite delusional system which waxed and waned during the time of the interview, and he had evidence of a severe degree of depression. Because of the combined symptoms of the hallucinatory activity, the delusions in which, and I should spell them out, that he felt that both members of his family, his close family, were being harmed, mutilated and/or destroyed because of his crime, and further, that there was a pogrom concerning Jews generally because of his crime. These symptoms plus the depression which was evident, caused me to diagnose a psychotic depressive reaction. Dr. BEAVERS. At that time. Dr. BEAVERS. In very brief nature yes. Dr. BEAVERS. Yes, I do. I think that as I have seen him, the depressive element has diminished, and that the delusional system has become much less open and obvious, and that it has become more fixed and it seems to--and this I'm not sure of---whether it waxes and wanes depending on the time in the weeks or whether it waxes and wanes depending on the closeness of the people that he sees. Dr. BEAVERS. Less obvious. Dr. BEAVERS. Less obvious. Dr. BEAVERS. In my opinion it is. Yes. The thing that I'm trying to make clear here is that. you take a person that has a mental illness which shows itself in delusions, that is, ideas that things that we say aren't real--they can be very uncertain and changing and very obvious, and which the person will share them with just about anybody, or they can be much more covert--hidden- -and shared only seldom, and much more fixed, not shifting around, but fixed.
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