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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIV - Page 505« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Jack L. Ruby)

Mr. Fowler.
Well, I won't want to go back there then.
Mr. Tonahill.
If he ever gets his hands on you, they'll let him have it.
Mr. Specter.
I hope you have had a chance to put these observations on the record.
Mr. Fowler.
I also want this further put into the record as to how many requests, in addition to this one, that were made for this test.
Mr. Specter.
We would be willing to accede to that request, and as you know, we have been trying to set this up for a long while. The circumstances of the Commission's timetable require us to proceed today; that is, either proceed or find out from Mr. Ruby that we would not ever proceed along this line. I have requested Sheriff Decker to have a physician standing by so that he may protect, to the fullest extent possible, Mr. Ruby's physical condition if he needs medical attention. As to your first request for Dr. Tanay of Detroit to be present, the Commission would permit that. But since Dr. Tanay is not now present, there is no way to implement that. We have no objection to having any other doctor here who can be present here today.
With respect to request No. 2 made during our preliminary discussion, that the results of the tests be held confidential, the Commission has heretofore on other questions refused to make any advance commitment because of the nature of its responsibility to make the final decision on disclosing or not disclosing what it concludes is in the public interest. Or stated differently, the Com mission just won't be committed. The results of this examination will not be disclosed to anyone until the Commission itself has reviewed the results and makes a decision, bearing many factors in mind, including your request, to have the information remain confidential.
Mr. Fowler.
All right; now in the past, of course we feel this--that as to the other information that we assumed would be confidential and would not be released to the press, this of course has been done, and we strenuously request that this matter not be released to the press.
(At this point Sheriff Decker entered the room.)
Mr. Decker.
Jim Kerr caught you making a 50-yard dash and they are circling around downstairs and Jim Kerr is just going in circles wanting to knew what Clayton Fowler is doing up in the jail.
(At this point Sheriff Decker left the room.)
Mr. Specter.
Mr. Fowler, as to your last statement, I don't know what you are referring to specifically, and without taking it up in terms of specific items, I couldn't comment about it, and I don't know that it would be really useful to go into it at this time. The material given to the Commission, where the Commission says it will be kept confidential, to the best of my knowledge, has always been honored. There are in these proceedings many chains and it is not possible in some cases to pinpoint responsibility, but the Chief Justice and the Commission have honored every commitment they have made heretofore. If they feel in their judgment---of course they hare the paramount responsibility for the entire investigation--that the results of this proceeding ought to be kept secret, you may be assured that it will be implemented to the fullest extent possible.
Mr. Fowler.
Well, of course, our request is that this matter be held strictly confidential because it is being given at the request of the Commission and for the benefit of the Commission, and we feel that the Commission and only the Commission should have this information, and before any of it is released for public consumption or private consumption, No. 1, the sheriff's office, the district attorney's office, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or any other agency of the Government outside the Warren Commission--that we be told that this is going to be done.
Mr. Specter.
That request, I think, can be honored in that you will be notified in advance of any publication, that the Commission will make a publication if in fact it ultimately decides to make such a publication. Now, there is one facet of this matter which is difficult to control and that is the fact itself that a polygraph examination is being administered. I do not know at this time what circulation has been given to this fact, if any, by any of the people who are
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