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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIII - Page 502« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Curtis L. Crafard Resumed)

Mr. Crafard.
Mr. Griffin.
And how about the drawers, did he keep things in the drawers?
Mr. Crafard.
Yes, they was always full of stuff.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you ever have occasion to go through any of these drawers?
Mr. Crafard.
I went through, completely through the desk on different occasions.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you recall seeing any kinds of political literature of any sort in there, and by political I don't mean just partisan, but, oh, anything that might have to do with any kind of issue or political philosophy?
Mr. Crafard.
I don't recall it, of seeing any.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you ever recall seeing anything from an organization called Lifeline or that was a piece of literature that was put out by an organization called Lifeline, or denominated Lifeline?
Mr. Crafard.
I believe there was a Lifeline book or magazine around once or twice. I never paid no attention to it; saw the book and that was all.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you ever hear Jack talk about any public events?
Mr. Crafard.
No. About all we would discuss would be the club.
Mr. Griffin.
What sort of person was Ruby as far as a person who talked about what he was doing?
Mr. Crafard.
lie didn't talk too much about things, things he was doing, other than the club itself. lie talked about what had to be done about the club, but other than that he didn't talk too much.
Mr. Griffin.
He didn't tell you what he was doing outside the club?
Mr. Crafard.
Mr. Griffin.
So as I understand it, atypical for Ruby, he appeared at the club before noon, wouldn't come back until late evening, he would spend 8 or 10 or what would presumably be waking hours away from the club each day.
Mr. Crafard.
Mr. Griffin.
Did he ever talk about what he was doing during that period of time?
Mr. Crafard.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you ever hear anything, or do you have any idea of what he was doing during that period of time?
Mr. Crafard.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you ever attempt to talk to him about what he was doing?
Mr. Crafard.
Mr. Griffin.
About that time? Did you ever hear anybody else try to talk to him about it?
Mr. Crafard.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you know Jack, or see Jack, or talk with him often enough so that you were able to form an opinion as to what Jack thought of his own sexual abilities?
Mr. Crafard.
No; I would have no opinion on that.
Mr. Griffin.
Did he ever talk to you about other than the incidents that you mentioned earlier about his sexual conquests of his girl friends or something like that?
Mr. Crafard.
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Griffin, how about his efforts to keep in shape physically, keep himself physically fit, and what not?
Mr. Crafard.
I never saw any talk toward that effect. The only thing I knew for sure was he was dieting and trying to lose weight.
Mr. Griffin.
This is because he told you?
Mr. Crafard.
I saw him take these diet pills.
Mr. Griffin.
Did he have some sort of a schedule that he would take this on?
Mr. Crafard.
He took it every morning.
Mr. Griffin.
About what time did he take them?
Mr. Crafard.
Well, the way I understood, about the first thing he got up he would take this.
Mr. Griffin.
Would he take it at the club or at home?
Mr. Crafard.
At home; or sometimes at the club.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you see him take it?
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