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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 7« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Assistant Chief Charles Batchelor)

Mr. Griffin.
said--and I was hearing only one side of the conversation, but I gathered that Decker had told him he thought he was going to move the prisoner. Curry said, "Well, if you want us to, we will." So he said, "I think you've got more manpower than we have. You move him if you will."
Then we had discussed this threat that had been received and-
Mr. Griffin.
You and.
Chief BATCHELOR. Curry.
Mr. Griffin.
Did Curry mention the threat to Decker in the telephone conversation?
Chief BATCHELOR. I just don't remember whether he did or not. I would think reasonably that he did, but I don't remember.
Mr. Griffin.
When Chief Curry talked with Decker, did he make any mention of what time Oswald would be moved?
Chief BATCHELOR. He didn't set any definite time. He told him that Captain Fritz wanted to question Oswald again that morning, and that when he got through, they would be ready to move him, and he thought this would be sometime after 10 o'clock.
Mr. Griffin.
Had Fritz begun to question Oswald when Curry was on the telephone with Decker?
Chief BATCHELOR. I really don't know. Shortly after we made the decision, Curry went back to the office and they were questioning him.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, when Curry and Decker talked on the telephone on this occasion, did Curry say anything about how Oswald would be moved?
Chief BATCHELOR. Well, I think he called him back later and told him how after we had talked, because we hadn't made the decision to use an armored car to move him, armored truck, until after we had determined that he wasn't going to move him and it was going to be our Job. Then we decided to discuss the armored car.
Mr. Griffin.
Did Chief Curry have any discussion with Decker in this first telephone conversation about the route that would be followed in moving Oswald ?
Chief BATCHELOR. I don't think so, because I am sure we didn't know at that moment just exactly what we would do. He went back and talked to Fritz about the advisability of this later, and we discussed it, and Stevenson came up and discussed it, and our plan was to take him down Elm Street originally. We would go out of the basement to Commerce, Commerce to Central Expressway, north on Central to Elm, and then west on Elm to Houston, and then go back east to the jail entrance door of the county jail and come in. This was our original plan.
Mr. Griffin.
In this first telephone conversation with Decker was Stevenson present in Curry's office?
Chief BATCHELOR. I don't believe he was. I know he wasn't when we started. He may have walked in there while I was talking to him, but I believe Curry and I was the only ones present.
Mr. Griffin.
When Curry finished talking With Decker and he hung up the phone, did he say anything to you?
Chief BATCHELOR. Yes; he said obviously Decker wants us to move him.
Mr. Griffin.
What did you say?
Chief BATCHELOR. I said we'd better start making some arrangements then. And he said, "What do you think about getting an armored car, an armored truck ?"
And I said, "I think I know where I can get one."
Mr. Griffin.
Where was that?
Chief BATCHELOR .This was from the Armored Motor Car Service.
Mr. Griffin.
Where is that located?
Chief BATCHELOR. It is on--what is the name of that street ?
Mr. Griffin.
In the downtown area?
Chief BATCHELOR. It just borders on the downtown area. It is off of Ross Avenue.
Mr. Griffin.
North or south?
Chief BATCHELOR. It is north of Ross Avenue. I should think of the name of the street. It is an old street here, but I just can't think of it offhand.
Mr. Griffin.
What is the name of the armored car company again?

731-228 O---64 vol. XII--2
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