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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 298« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Louis D. Miller)

Mr. Griffin.
about the death of Lee Harvey Oswald, but also to determine any other pertinent facts that you may know about the general inquiry which the Commission is authorized to go into. Now, you are here today because we have made a request from the General Counsel on the Commission staff, and pursuant to the rules adopted by the Commission, and we have made the request to Chief Curry. Now, you are entitled to a 3-day written notice prior to having this deposition taken, and if you would like that we would be happy to do that. We had presumed that probably the police officers would prefer to have the notice waived. You are also entitled to have an attorney present during this interrogation. Now, I have no objection in any way you want to handle this. I want you to be perfectly frank in telling us, because we have gone ahead, as I said, simply on the assumption that you probably would prefer to waive these matters, but if you would like to have the written notice and would like to have a copy of the authorizing resolution, or would like to have an attorney present during this deposition we would be happy .
Mr. Miller.
No; I Just want to understand what is going on.
Mr. Griffin.
Well, do you have any question that you want to ask me about it? I have given you a general statement here.
Mr. Miller.
What will this deposition be used for?
Mr. Griffin.
Well, this deposition will be made a part of the Commission's files. It will not be turned over to any member of the police department. These files will remain in the possession of the Commission, and on the basis of all of the investigation which we are conducting here, why, there will be a report written. Now, I can't tell you what is going to happen to the files after--and that means this deposition--after the Commission issues its report. I would like to be able to give you the assurance that it will be impossible for anybody to ever see this deposition I can't, in honesty, tell you that, because I don't know that that is true. On the other hand, I don't know that it is not true, but basically, it will be used to write a report, and your testimony that you would give would be one of probably close to 250, maybe 500 depositions that are going to be taken during this period. I think 500 might be a pretty fair estimate, together with thousands, and probably approaching ten thousand pages of investigative reports and other documents also in addition to all these investigative reports. That is where it is all going to wind up. But, I can assure you of this: That no copies of this are going to be turned over to any member of the police department or any official of the State of Texas as such. Now, whether or not the thing will be accessible because they are all deposited in the archives, and years from now somebody could go and look at them, I don't know the answers to that.
Mr. Miller.
Well, is what you want from me a statement of what happened down there? Is that what you are getting at?
Mr. Griffin.
Yes; but let me tell you this, too, that if you feel that you would. prefer to talk about this thing off the record and that you think you would have important information to give us that you prefer to be kept--to have some assurances that your confidences would be kept completely, I would be happy to defer this deposition and do it in such a way that no one would know the reason for it, and I would check with our people in Washington to see if there weren't some arrangements which could be made for it, because we are most concerned with getting the truth, and as much information--I wasn't suggesting that you wouldn't tell the truth, that we all know, and I would preciate if there were better circumstances under which we could do this. I would inquire into it and I would make this a matter of complete confidence between us.
Mr. Miller.
Well, there is nothing that I know that possibly a hundred other people don't know, so, that part don't bother me, but I don't understand coming down and giving a statement, that I am supposed to stand, and swearing, and all that part of it.
Mr. Griffin.
Well, this is just as--I am sure you have testified before grand Juries.
Mr. Miller.
I sure have.

Mr. GRIFFIN. Of course, you have been sworn when you testified there. Only they don't have a court reporter in the grand jury. I don't know about Texas,
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