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(Testimony of Billy Joe Maxey)Sergeant MAXEY. Well, now, there is some more points that I want to bring up. Sergeant MAXEY. All right. Sergeant MAXEY. All right. Sergeant MAXEY. Yes, sir; perhaps they are of no importance, and perhaps they are, but it is apparently a misunderstanding on the part--matter of semantics, again, and let's see paragraph 5, on page 1, states here that-"A few minutes after that Lieutenant Pierce entered the garage driving a black car." Now, I don't remember him entering the garage. I believe his car was already parked down there. Sergeant MAXEY. Lieutenant Pierce. I don't believe he drove into the police garage from outside. I believe his car was already parked in the basement. Sergeant MAXEY. Page 2, paragraph 8. Sergeant MAXEY. Yes, sir; page 2, paragraph 8. That was the correction I advised the FBI office that I did not actually see Daniels and the shoeshine boy. That this was something I had overheard other officers talking about, and that has already been taken care of. Page 3, paragraph 10. This is concerning Sergeant MAXEY. Well, it is part of a paragraph and a full paragraph. Sergeant MAXEY. No, sir; next to the last. Sergeant MAXEY. Next to the last on the second page. Sergeant MAXEY. It's concerning Jack Ruby. "He first met him- Sergeant MAXEY. Uh-huh. It states here that I first met him about 2 years ago them that--at his place of business, that I had my wife with me. Sergeant MAXEY. The correction would be that my wife was not with me. Sergeant MAXEY. Not at the time I first met him. Sergeant MAXEY. Not the Carousel Club. The Vegas Club; yes. Sergeant MAXEY. And, let's see. I guess that's about it. Sergeant MAXEY. No; second one is correct. Sergeant MAXEY. Wait a minute. I didn't read this. That's all right. Sergeant MAXEY. No, sir; that's it. Sergeant MAXEY. About all of it, those two statements.
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