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(Testimony of Assistant Chief Charles Batchelor)Chief BATCHELOR. We had moved the officers over from Elm Street to Main Street on the corner. The only security would have been a car carrying detectives, following the car carrying the prisoner and detectives. Chief BATCHELOR. A Sergeant was sent out, a three-wheeler. Talbert had it done. I don't recall who did that. stationed at the corner of Main and Commerce? Main and Pearl Expressway ? Chief BATCHELOR. No; I don't know whether there was or not. ( Short recess had. ) (Discussion off the record. ) Chief BATCHELOR. They were originally stationed along Elm Street, and later were moved to Main Street where the prisoner would actually go. Chief BATCHELOR. I do not know. I was not aware. I hadn't given that any thought at the time. Actually, Main and Expressway would pose no traffic problem of a turning movement, at that point, because Pearl Expressway, which is a one-way street, and the convoy would have been next to the curb, and it would pose no problem at this point, trafficwise. Chief BATCHELOR. On Central Expressway. Chief BATCHELOR. The convoy would go to Elm Street, but the prisoner and a car of detectives would turn off at Main. Chief BATCHELOR. I merely asked him why the change, and he said they decided to change it up in the Homicide Bureau in a discussion with Chief Curry, because if anyone attacked, they would have the prisoner in a car separate from the convoy and the public would not know this, and they thought this would be a wise move. Chief BATCHELOR. You are arguing with me. I had nothing to do with moving the prisoner. Chief BATCHELOR. I didn't make the decision and I don't know whether it was wise or not. It is a moot question now. Chief BATCHELOR. This happened when he told me about it, just moments before they actually brought him down, and he told me they were bringing a
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