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(Testimony of Capt. Cecil E. Talbert)Captain TALBERT. My primary concern that morning was with the crowd control, the mob control. Our warning had been against a possible larger group of people taking Ruby away from the officers. They had told the Captain TALBERT. I'm sorry. Taking Oswald away from the officers. They had been told, the person who answered the phone in the FBI office, that he wanted the information transmitted to the .police department that no police officers would be injured, and, of course, that was discounted as no police officer being injured by it, but nevertheless, the crowd action was highly probable, and our primary objective was to prevent, or control, crowd action. I had a total of three gas grenade kits and projectile kits in the basement, that is my own, and the officer's riot guns, if that becomes necessary, although, the crowd can be controlled by gas if we couldn't do it with brute force, we could do it with gas. But the event that did occur, where one person dashed out of a crowd and shot a person and literally laid down, said, "Here I am. I did it," in pride was rather stunning. Captain TALBERT. No, sir. Captain TALBERT. That's right. Captain TALBERT. The only interview has been with you yesterday. Captain TALBERT. No, sir. Captain TALBERT. No, sir. Captain TALBERT. I don't think there is anything else I could say that would add materially to your investigation, sir. It is--if there were, I'd be delighted to do so. Captain TALBERT. I would do so immediately. There is no one more concerned with finding out how Ruby got in the basement to shoot Oswald than myself, so, I am with you. I would love to find out how he got there. Charles Oliver Arnett Testimony of Charles Oliver ArnettThe testimony of Charles Oliver Arnett was taken at 8 p.m., on March 25, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Burr W. Griffin, assistant counsel of the President's Commission. Robert T. Davis, assistant attorney general of Texas, was present.
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