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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 107« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of M. W. Stevenson)

Mr. Stevenson.
at the present is, up until Oswald was killed in the basement, we felt like we had built a good case on Oswald as the slayer of President Kennedy, and we felt we had done a good job on the arrest and the accumulation of the evidence.
We just had a breakdown. We were let down unintentionally, in my opinion, from the investigation, by one officer that permitted Ruby to get into the basement.
Mr. Hubert.
Have you made any other statement, Mr. Stevenson, other than those that you have identified as Exhibits 5051 and 5052?
Mr. Stevenson.
Not to my knowledge that I recall, other than the overall chronological report that we made to the chief of police regarding the entire operation and plan for the visit of the President all the way through until Oswald was slain by Ruby in the basement.
Mr. Hubert.
Was that a joint report?
Mr. Stevenson.
Mr. Hubert.
Tell us who prepared that.
Mr. Stevenson.
It was Chief Batchelor, Chief Lumpkin, myself, Chief Fisher, Chief Lunday, Captain Souter, and all of the supervisors who had a definite responsibility in preparing and carrying out the plans for the President's visit to our city on November the 22d.
Mr. Hubert.
Was that a written report?
Mr. Stevenson.
Mr. Hubert.
Do you have a copy of that, sir?
Mr. Stevenson.
It's in this. I believe I have it. (Looking.) It isn't in there, sir. I believe that is the entire report. (Handing papers to Mr. Hubert. ) I don't think it would be in there. That is our security investigation report, Mr. Hubert. You will find that that is signed by Chief Batchelor, Chief Lumpkin, and myself. All of the officers did not sign it. We merely got their version, their reports and things and incorporated them in one chronological report.
Mr. Hubert.
You have, Mr. Stevenson, handed me a document consisting of 34 numbered pages, the first page apparently being unnumbered, dated November 30, 1963, addressed to Mr. J. E. Curry, chief of police, and bearing on page 34, the typed names of Charles Batchelor, George Lumpkin, and M. W. Stevenson. You have also stated to me that this copy was available to the Commission. I am therefore marking it as follows: "Dallas, Tex., March 2.3, 1964, Exhibit 5053, Deposition of M. W. Stevenson." I am signing it with my name, Leon D. Hubert, Jr. I am going to ask you to sign your name under mine, and I am initialling myself, each one of the pages, and I would appreciate it, if you would also initial each one of the pages.

I am placing my initials on each one of the pages in the lower right-hand corner of each page.
Mr. Stevenson.
(Initials each page.)
Mr. Hubert.
Mr. Stevenson, I have now signed the first page under my signature, that being the unnumbered page. I ask you if you have checked the sequence of pages thereafter and find that they run in perfect sequence 1
through 34, page 34, being the last page?
Mr. Stevenson.
I have.
Mr. Hubert.
You have also placed your initials on each one of those pages in the lower right-hand corner below my signature, is that correct?
Mr. Stevenson.
I have.
Mr. Hubert.
The original of this was signed by you, sir?
Mr. Stevenson.
By Chief Batchelor, Chief Lumpkin, and myself.
Mr. Hubert.
And you delivered that to Chief Curry?
Mr. Stevenson.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, have you been interviewed by any of the Commission staff prior to the taking of this deposition?
Mr. Stevenson.
No, sir; I have not.
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