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(Affidavit of Richard Helms)
6. The original photograph was taken outside of the continental United States sometime during the period July 1, 1963 to November 23, 1963.
Signed this 7th day of August 1964. (S) Richard Helms. RICHARD HELMS. ------------- Peter Megargee Brown Affidavit of Peter Megargee BrownThe following affidavit was executed by Peter Megargee Brown on May 13, 1964. PRESIDENT'S COMMISSIONON THE ASSASSINATION OF AFFIDAVIT PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY STATE OF NEW YORK, County of New York, ss: Peter Megargee Brown, being duly sworn, says: I am a member of the firm of Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, counsel for the Community Service Society and am familiar with the papers and records in the possession of the Society relating to Lee Harvey Oswald. This firm has caused a search of the files of Community Service Society under my supervision which reveals one file entitled "Marguerite Claverie Oswald #219055". The foregoing file is now in the possession of the deponent. To the best of my knowledge this file contains the only papers relating to Lee Harvey Oswald in the possession or control of the Community Service Society. Accordingly under my supervision photostatic copies have been made of this entire file, such copies being attached to this affidavit. In information and belief the attached photostatic copies* are of the entire file and comprise all the papers relating to Lee Harvey Oswald in the possession and control of the Community Service Society or its counsel. Signed this 13th day of May 1964. (S) Peter Megargee Brown, PETER MEGARGEE BROWN. ----------------- Gary Taylor Affidavit of Gary TaylorThe following affidavit was executed by Gary Taylor on August 4, 1964. PRESIDENT'S COMMISSIONON THE ASSASSINATION OF AFFIDAVIT PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY STATE OF TEXAS, County of Dallas, ss: I, Gary Taylor, 3948 Orlando Court, Apartment 111, Dallas, Tex., being sworn, say 1. As I testified in my deposition, I went with Lee Harvey Oswald on or about November 4, 1962, to a gasoline service station in Fort Worth, Texas, where Oswald rented a U-Haul trailer which we were to use and did use in transporting Oswald's household goods and paraphernalia from Mrs. Hall's home in Fort Worth to the Oswalds' Elsbeth Street apartment in Dallas. 2. The rental charge for the trailer was about $5.00 and was paid by Oswald. I made the cash deposit to secure the return of the trailer. I returned the trailer that afternoon and picked up the deposit. Signed this 4th day of August 1964. (S) Gary E. Taylor, GARY E. TAYLOR. ----------------- *The attached photostatic copies referred to in the above affidavit appear in the exhibit volumes as Brown Exhibit No. 1. Francis L. Martello
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