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(Testimony of Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker)Certainly the lineup of the holes in the two, in the window and in the wall, gives the direction. The distance would be questionable to this point, based on the information I have. General WALKER. Yes; it is. I suggested that this picture was taken from inside the yard. General Watts pointed out it was very likely taken looking from the alley, so if this picture had been taken at the time the man was shooting, he would be in that picture very likely with his back toward the camera with the rifle through the fence? General WALKER. If he fired through the fence, he would very likely have been right in this picture, that is correct. General WALKER. You can sit in the house and turn off your lights and look right out through the fence and all the areas in the fence. It is Just a question of lighting. The difficulty you are having here is a question of lighting of the picture, but if you are looking from the inside of the house, you see that fence in many places, all places. General WALKER. Not at all, because you can't see the house, and that is why the picture with the policeman in it is so hard to identify. Windows don't show there. There is a whole glassed-in porch to the left of the policeman, as you look at this picture. There is a 5 by 6 glassed window there with a back porch that sticks out a little bit that doesn't show. Then there is a window beside that porch in the room I was sitting in. Well, delete that. I don't think the cooler was in the window at that time, but from that window, there is a space of 6 or 8 feet. Then you come to the window that was fired through, and then there is 2 or 3 feet to the corner of the house. Then referring back to the picture we referred to, the policeman was in you see the dark alley going down beside the house between the house and the fence, which is the north side, in general, of the house. General WALKER. But I don't see how you could take a picture and see less of the house, and it is definitely because of the lighting in the picture and everything dark. The whole house is dark under the light, the way that picture was taken, so that you see very little of the house except the policeman, what he has of the light coming out behind him. General WALKER. None that I was aware of; no. Just moving with a pencil and thoroughly engrossed in my income tax. General WALKER. I would say 100 feet. I would say between 100 and 120 feet.
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