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(Testimony of Pamela Mumford)Miss MUMFORD. We didn't. Miss MUMFORD. Well, I didn't; no. Pat says it rang a bell when the rest of the business came up, and we recognized him on television. And she said, when the name came through on the television, it did ring a bell with her, but she said even then she couldn't picture that name on the passport. Miss MUMFORD. Well, yes, he must have shown it to us. I can't really remember. Miss MUMFORD. No. Miss MUMFORD. No. Miss MUMFORD. Yes; Oswald must have told him he had been there numerous times, because this Englishman did refer us, or did refer me to Oswald and say "He has been there before. Why don't you ask him?" Miss MUMFORD. I think we were speaking about Mexico generally, because we had contemplated a trip down to Acapulco, and I was interested in the difference in temperatures. Miss MUMFORD. Yes, outside the bus; a rest stop. Miss MUMFORD. Only by his reference to Oswald as "the young man sitting next to me." They were talking quite a lot, the four of them. In the first two seats were the young English couple, and directly behind them were Oswald, sitting on the aisle, and the Englishman, sitting near the window. And we could hear them talking a lot, and laughing, when we were sitting in the back, wondering what was going on. Miss MUMFORD. No. Miss MUMFORD. Yes; but they never spoke to each other on rest stops. Oswald just went his way completely. Miss MUMFORD. I don't remember. I remember Oswald was standing completely alone in the bus station. Miss MUMFORD. I don't remember what he did at all. We got off the bus and I don't remember seeing him leave the bus even. Miss MUMFORD. No; I don't think they made any reference to him at all. Do you remember words like that used by the Englishman? Miss MUMFORD. That may have been his words. I really don't remember. That was just the general impression I got of what he said to me.
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