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(Affidavit of Rita Naman)Affidavit ofThe following affidavit was executed By John Bryan McFarland and Meryl McFarland on May 28, 1964.PRESIDENT'S COMMISSION ON THE ASSASSINATION OF AFFIDAVIT PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, County of Lancaster, City of Liverpool, Consulate of the United States of America, ss: Before me Wilfred V. Duke, Consul of the United States of America, duly commissioned and qualified, personally came John Bryan McFarland and Meryl McFarland, of 7a Riversdale Road, Liverpool, 19, England, who being duly sworn, depose and say that: Q. When and where did you board the bus for Mexico City? A. We boarded the Continental Trailways bus at Jackson, Mississippi, and traveled via connecting buses to Mexico City where we arrived September 27, 1963. Q. When and where did you first see the man later identified as Lee Harvey Oswald? A. We changed buses at Houston. Texas, at. 2:00 a.m. September 26th and it was probably about 6:00 a.m. after it became light that we first saw him. Q. What reason did Oswald give for traveling to Mexico? A. He stated that he was en route to Cuba and that he could not travel there from the United States as it was against the law. Q. Did you see Oswald speaking to any other persons? A. Yes. We observed him conversing occasionally with two young Australian women who boarded the bus on the evening of September 26th at Monterrey, Mexico. He also conversed occasionally with an elderly man who sat in the seat next to him for a time. Q. When did it first occur to you that Lee Harvey Oswald was the man you had met on the bus? A. When we saw his pictures in the newspapers. Q. How many suitcases was Oswald carrying when he boarded the bus at Houston, Texas, or any or-her time? A. We did not see him carrying any suitcases at any time. Q. Did Oswald check any luggage with the bus company so it would have been carried underneath the bus in the baggage compartment? A. We never actually saw him check any luggage in with the bus company. but in the bus station at Mexico City the last we saw of him was waiting at the luggage check-out place obviously to collect some luggage. Q. What kind of luggage was he carrying? A. We did not notice but presume he must have been carrying some hand luggage. Q. Did he check any suitcases or other packages at a place en route to Mexico City or otherwise dispose of them? A. We never actually saw him check any luggage in with the bus company, but in the bus station at Mexico City the last we saw of him was waiting at the luggage check-out place obviously to collect some luggage. Q. What kind of clothing was he wearing? A. As far as we recollect, ordinary slacks and, a more definite recollection, a sort of zipper Jerkin. Q. Did he mention any names or places either in the United States or Mexico, in any connection whatever? A. Only New Orleans, whence he said he had come. In the course of conversation, we worked out that he must have left New Orleans at about the same time we had left Jackson, Mississippi, i.e. 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 25th, 1963. Q. Did he show you any documents, such as passport or Fair Play for Cuba Committee Card, or letters, newspaper clippings or other similar material? If so, describe them as fully as possible.
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