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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 372« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Malcolm Howard , Jr. Price)

Mr. Price.
I said, inquired if there was anybody that could set a telescope. I took him down to set his telescope and we stayed there that much longer and Mr. Davis came in and Mrs. Davis went on home.
Mr. Libeler.
Did Mrs. Davis have an opportunity to see this man?
Mr. Price.
Not that I know of--she knew there was somebody there but she was inside the building.
Mr. Liebeler.
There was nobody else there?
Mr. Price.
There was no one else there.
Mr. Liebeler.
When was the next time you saw him, the third time?
Mr. Price.
Well, I don't remember just exactly when it was, but it was--it could be anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks later--I don't remember exactly, but it was on a Sunday, Sunday was the only time I went down there after that in a good while.
Mr. Liebeler.
Mr. Price, this is Mr. Davis from the attorney general's office for the State of Texas.
Mr. Price has testified that he saw Oswald out at the Sports Drome Rifle Range.
Mr. Price.
I don't remember the exact date on that, but the third time that I saw him he did have the same gun.
Mr. Liebeler.
He did?
Mr. Price.
Mr. Liebeler.
Mr. Price.
And I asked him if it was still doing the job, if it was still set, and he said, "It was shooting just fine," and Mr. Slack was there at the time and at this particular time that might have been the day that they had the hassle I there, I don't know, but they were sitting right next to one another--Mr. Slack was in booth 9 and Oswald was in booth 8, and he commented on his telescope.
Mr. Liebeler.
Who commented on the telescope?
Mr. Price.
Mr. Liebeler.
Commented to you?
Mr. Price.
Yes; he asked me to look through it, and he said, "It's one of the clearest telescopes that I have ever seen---one of the brightest." He said, "It's a Japanese scope and I gave $18 for it."
Mr. Liebeler.
He told you that he paid $18 for it?
Mr. Price.
Yes; he said that it was--he remarked. that it was a 4-power telescope and he said it was mounted on Redfield mounts. You see, they make mounts for several different guns, but I don't know one mount from another myself. I just took his word for it that it was a Redfield mount, but I looked through the scope and it was very clear. It was very bright and we compared it with two scopes that Mr. Slack had on his gun and a fellow that was shooting on the right side in booth 7--I don't know who that was, but we compared it with three different American-made scopes and his telescope was brighter and clearer by far. You could read the lines and numerals on the target very plainly with it.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he tell you that he paid $18 for the scope or did he say that he paid $18 for the whole works?
Mr. Price.
No; he said he paid $18 for the scope.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he tell you where he had it mounted?
Mr. Price.
He said that he got the thing from a gunsmith in Cedar Hill for a debt, the gun, and that he bought the scope and that the gunsmith mounted it for him.
Mr. Liebeler.
The same gunsmith?
Mr. Price.
Mr. Liebeler.
And that was in Cedar Hill?
Mr. Price.
It might be; but I don't know of any gunsmith in Cedar Hill.
Mr. Liebeler.
But you remember that he did tell you it was done by a gunsmith in Cedar Hill?
Mr. Price.
Yes; then, I questioned him about it, I told him, I said, "I didn't know there was a gunsmith in Cedar Hill."
Mr. Liebeler.
And. what did he say?
Mr. Price.
He said, "Yes; one over there and he owed me some money and he
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