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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 295« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Arthur Carl (Gladys J.) Johnson)

Mr. Ball.
I'm talking about this "O. H. Lee" signature on this document; he signed that on that date?
Mrs. Johnson.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Did he give you the money?
Mr. Ball.
Mr. Ball.
Did you ever know his true name was Lee Harvey Oswald?
Mrs. Johnson.
No; not until we saw his picture flash on the television as the officers were out. Those particulars was found in his pocket after he killed Tippit, after his arrest. So I came from the restaurant, I guess I or 1:30, and these officers were there 1:30 or 2, something like that, anyway, it was after this assassination, and as I drove in, well, the officers were there and they told me that they was looking for this character and I told them I didn't think I had anyone by that name there but we went through the register 'carefully two or three times and there was no Oswald there and I had two new tenants, rather new tenants, so we had carried them around the house to show them and we was going to start in the new tenants' rooms and my husband was sitting in the living room and seen this picture flash on the television and he said, "Please go around that house and tell him it was this guy that lived in this room here"; and it was O. H. Lee.
Mr. Ball.
That is the first time you learned his name was Oswald?
Mr. Ball.
You knew him as O. H. Lee?
Mrs. Johnson.
Yes; I knew him as O. H. Lee.
Mr. Ball.
The first time you knew the man to be Lee Harvey Oswald that you had known as O. H. Lee?
Mrs. Johnson.
That's right---
Mr. Ball.
Were you there when Oswald brought his clothes into the room?
Mrs. Johnson.
No; what do you mean?
Mr. Ball.
Now, you rented the room to him on the 14th?
Mrs. Johnson.
Mr. Ball.
Did he move in on that same day?
Mrs. Johnson.
Yes, sir; and he had his clothes with him.
Mr. Ball.
He had his clothes with him?
Mrs. Johnson.
Yes, sir; he just had a little old bag of clothes, these little bags you get when you are in the service.
Mr. Ball.
A duffelbag?
Mrs. Johnson.
Mr. Ball.
That's all he had?
Mrs. Johnson.
That's all he had.
Mr. Ball.
He was there only--you say he rented it on the 14th of October?
Mrs. Johnson.
He rented the 14th of October.
Mr. Ball.
Then he paid his rent every week until when?
Mrs. Johnson.
Every week, every week, I tell you, when he rented the room, he told me that he was---I told him the rules of the house before I accepted any renter I rent to, I tell them the rules of the house.
Mr. Ball.
What did you tell him?
Mrs. Johnson.
That we definitely do not entertain in bedrooms, strictly the living room, and, too, they cannot come in intoxicated. If they drink, they must sober before they come in and I do not allow drinking at the home. That's the rules of the house and he accepted it.
Mr. Ball.
He was there a little better than a month?
Mrs. Johnson.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Five or six weeks?
Mr. Ball.
Did he eat any of his meals there at the home?
Mrs. Johnson.
He had sandwiches and had milk.. He drank about a half gallon of sweet milk a day. He kept a half gallon of sweet milk in my refrigerator a day and he kept lunch meat.
Mrs. Johnson.
Jelly and preserves, something like that.
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