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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. I - Page 89« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald Resumed)

Mr. Dulles.
Old rubles or new rubles?
Mr. Rankin.
Is that old rubles?
Mrs. Oswald.
New rubles.
Mr. Rankin.
What were your hours in this work?
Mrs. Oswald.
10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Mr. Rankin.
When you said this same pay was paid all over, did you mean to say that you got the same amount regardless of whether you were in a big city or a small city?
Mrs. Oswald.
This is the pharmacists rate everywhere. Unless you work in a specialized sort of an institution, such as a military hospital--there the pay is higher.
Mr. Rankin.
What was the nature of your work?
Mrs. Oswald.
Preparation of prescriptions.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you supervise the preparation of the prescriptions, or did you just put them up yourself?
Mrs. Oswald.
I prepared them myself.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you have a supervisor?
Mrs. Oswald.
I was in charge of myself. If I was working at a table, I was responsible for it.
Of course every institution is in charge of a supervisor who does not prepare meditations--he is only an administrator.
Mr. Rankin.
How many days of the week did you work on this job?
Mrs. Oswald.
Six days. Except if a holiday falls upon a weekday. Then I didn't work.
Mr. Rankin.
Were these prescriptions prepared only for patients in the hospital?
Mrs. Oswald.
Yes. Sometimes we prepared something for ourselves or for friends, or somebody would ask us.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you pay anything to your uncle and aunt for staying there?
Mrs. Oswald.
No. They had--they were well provided for, and my uncle wanted that I spend the money on myself.
Mr. Rankin.
What was the name of this uncle?
Mrs. Oswald.
Ilva Vasilyevich Proosakov.
Mr. Rankin.
What was the nature of his work?
Mrs. Oswald.
He works in the Ministry of the Interior of the Byelorussian SSR.
Mr. Rankin.
Did he have something to do with lumbering?
Mrs. Oswald.
He is an engineer. He is a graduate of a forestry institute. Technical institute.
Mr. Rankin.
Is he an officer?
Mrs. Oswald.
He was a colonel--a lieutenant colonel or colonel, I think.
Mr. Rankin.
Did he have a nice apartment compared with the others?
Mrs. Oswald.
Yes, very nice.
Mr. Rankin.
Did he have a telephone in the apartment?
Mrs. Oswald.
Mr. Rankin.
Were you supporting yourself during this period except for the fact you didn't pay anything for your room and board?
Mrs. Oswald.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you save money?
Mrs. Oswald.
No. I would receive my pay and I would spend everything in one day--three days tops.
Mr. Rankin.
What would you spend it for?
Mrs. Oswald.
First all the necessary things which I had to buy shoes, an overcoat for winter. It is cold there, and, therefore, you have to wear warm clothes.
Mr. Rankin.
Was your uncle a member of the Communist Party?
Mrs. Oswald.
Yes, he is a Communist.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you belong to any organizations during this period in Minsk?
Mrs. Oswald.
First I was a member of the Trade Union. Then I joined the Comsomol, but I was discharged after one year.
Mr. Rankin.
Do you know why you were discharged?
Mrs. Oswald.
I paid my membership dues regularly, and at first they didn't
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