(Testimony of Robert Edward Oswald Lee Resumed)
Mr. Jenner.
Assuming it was shown, it was not exhibited to you. Your mother stated that a picture of Mr. Jack Ruby had been exhibited to her by an FBI man.
Mr. Oswald.
That a picture that an FBI man----
Mr. Jenner.
On the Saturday night, November 23, 1963.
Mr. Oswald.
Yes, sir, that the FBI man exhibited a picture, and mother said that she recognized from the newspaper to be Mr. Jack Ruby.
Mr. Jenner.
Did any of the gentlemen present say anything when your mother made that statement?
Mr. Oswald.
I believe they did, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
All right. Give us your best recollection of what was said, and if you can identify the person, do so, but in any event tell us what was said, if you can identify them only by stating he was a police officer or a Secret Service man or an FBI agent, then do that.
Mr. Oswald.
I believe Mr. Mike Howard of the United States Secret Service looked at the picture in the newspaper and said something to mother in the line or in the nature of "Are you sure" and so forth like that. It was very brief, and she was saying that she was positive.
Mr. Jenner.
She responded that she was certain of it?
Mr. Oswald.
Yes, sir, that she was certain that the photograph shown to her on Saturday night, November 23, 1963, was the man in the picture being identified as Mr. Jack Ruby, the killer of my brother, Lee Harvey Oswald.
Mr. Dulles.
Did she say anything about what the officer who had shown her this photograph had said to her, or explained why he was showing that. picture?
Mr. Oswald.
I believe, sir, she did indicate that they wanted to show it to Marina for identification, and mother explained to him that she was in the shower and was fixing to go to bed, and they were very tired.
Mr. Jenner.
Now would you give us please your opinion and judgment as to the stability of your mother?
Mr. Oswald.
Prior to November 22, 1963--correction, prior to November 24, 1963, I believed her to be a stable average person. However, during the week of November 24, including the date of November 24, 1963, through Friday of that week, which was November 29, 1963, due to the happenings and the events that had ensued from the November 22d afternoon through Sunday of November 23d, it is my opinion that at first that her reactions were quite normal, and to be expected.
However, it is my opinion during the latter part of that week, from approximately Wednesday, November 27, 1963, that her reactions to other matters related to the events of November 22 and November 24, 1963, were abnormal reactions.
Mr. Jenner.
Did those normal or abnormal reactions continue to the best of your knowledge thereafter?
Mr. Oswald.
Since I have not seen her, sir, since Friday November 29, 1963, I have talked with her on telephone calls only, I have no opinion on that at this time.
Mr. Jenner.
One way or the other?
Mr. Oswald.
One way or the other.
Mr. Jenner.
Whether continued or not continued?
Mr. Oswald.
Mr. Jenner.
You have testified that you thought you had an influence on Lee's Joining the Marines. That is an influence of an example rather than a direct influence, that is any direct contact by you suggesting that if he entered the service he should enter the Marines?
Mr. Oswald.
That would be correct, sir. It would be as an example.
Mr. Jenner.
You mentioned a Mr. Gregory having visited at your home. Will you identify him, please?
Mr. Oswald.
I believe his given name, sir, is Mr. Peter Gregory, but I am confused a little bit about his son. His son's name is Paul Gregory, or vice versa.
Mr. Jenner.
It is Peter.
Mr. Oswald.
Thank you. Mr. Peter Gregory came to my residence in Fort Worth, Tex. on 7313 Davenport Street.
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