The John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage

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Dear Readers,

This section is closed, no more entries can be submitted. It seems to be impossible to establish a serious and neutral discussion, without any assaults, harrasments, blames etc. Interesting enough, 99 percentages of those disturbances were caused by defenders of the Lone Assassin Theory. I am tired of editing and filtering blames and accusations after 15 years.

Sorry for this. Keep asking questions! One day, they will be heard...


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On 22-Feb-2008, James wrote:

The real problem(for conspirators)is with the lack of an exit wound to Kennedys left side of the head, the bullet fragments in the front seat, the window cracked from the inside with lead residue, the 3/8 in. entrance wound in the back of Kennedys head. There is no doubt the head shot came from the rear. Regards

On 21-Feb-2008, Melissa wrote:

There is absolutely no way Lee Harvey Oswald killed Jfk! Its all a conspiracy! If you look at the evidence, the book depository was far off from the motorcade and the shot would have had to be made hanging outside the window and then it would have had to go from the back which according to the pictures, the wounds were from the front! The pictures of LHO with his gun are obviously cropped and made to look that way so the theory of Lee with his gun look true! He was made a patsy and everyone ate it up because at the time SOMEONE had to pay for the president's death! I believe and always have that Ruby had ties to Lyndon B Johnson and LBJ had Kennedy killed to take over office and had Ruby kill Lee because the plan was backfiring! I know it sounds far fetched and crazy and there is no proof of my theory but thats my story and I am sticking to it!

On 21-Feb-2008, matt wrote:

I have been fascinated by this for years though I was not alive at the time. I believe that the driver of the presidential limo is the one that fired the fatal head shot. I have not finished reading everything hear but I think it is one of the best I have ever been to. Thank you.

On 16-Feb-2008, les yeats wrote:

thanks for your answer dave

this only enforces my thinking that the goverment had the people in place to carry out the planning and execution of that sad day and the following cover up

how many polititions,c.i.a,fbi,etc, are still liveing and hiding the ture identity of the real shooter.

On 12-Feb-2008, Dave wrote:

To answer your question about the motorcade route through Daley Plaza, the mayor of Dallas in 1963 was Earl Cabell, who was the brother of Charles Cabell that was a high ranking official of the CIA that JFK fired after the Bay of Pigs disaster. The rumor is that the two were in the conspiracy to set the motorcade route to make the slow turns and take Kennedy to the Grassy Knoll, where it was a perfect place for an ambush with a triangulation of crossfire.

On 09-Feb-2008, les yeats wrote:

can some one explain why the motercade took the route they did.if you google earth the site you can clearly see the most direct route is straigth ahead to the underpass,and in noway takeing the rigth then the left turns,unless you were some one in the know who had the power to change this knowing full well what was about to take place. who could do this,the cia,fbi,secret service,military intelligence ?.

beware barack obama :in the face of impossible odds,change your country and the world let us know the truth.

the world will thank you unless they get to you aswell.

thanks les


On 09-Feb-2008, Jessica wrote:


We have not found anything concrete supporting that there WASN"T a conspiracy. there are too many gaps, too many holes, and too many questions that people cannot and are uwilling to answer. And people wonder why others believe that there was a conpiracy. You would be crazy not to.

On 09-Feb-2008, Jessica wrote:

YES we must deffinitly excuse your the way....ruby was found "dead in his cell" he was presumed to have killed himself..which would be a good way to keep him the way why come to a JFK site that obviously supports a conspiracy and put our ideals down...i don't write on the anti-conspriacy sites that you are all you know stick to your own side

On 03-Feb-2008, steverino57 wrote:

excuse my spelling but there was no consperency.first of all in 1979 the house of reps said there was a second shooter based soley on the fact that one of the motercycle policemen has his radio on thru the whole shooting and the radio picked up a forth shot.this turned out to be false.the radio was on but the cop was in a totally diff part of the motorcade.therefor their was no forth shot.secondly lee harvey was spotted in the window at the time of the shooting.thirdly the mafia wasnt involved.if they got ruby to silence lee harvey who was going to shoot ruby.

On 25-Jan-2008, les yeats wrote:

surely no one can say lee harvey oswald killed kennedy with todays knowhow surely some one can show this to be the case. if i were the gun man i would have shot kennedy head on giveing more than one chance for the kill shot,that would make more sense.why take this route anyway ? the only reason was as was said to trap kennedy for a turkey shot.

On 17-Jan-2008, Kathy Caudle wrote:

January 16th, '08

Lydon Johnson assassinated President Kennedy. From the time it happened I've always suspected the vice president of murdering the president for whom he served but also disliked. Johnson wanted revenge for JFK almost denying him the vice presidential spot on the Democratic ticket in the election of '60 which would have meant the end of his (LBJ's) political career. The assassination of President Kennedy was an "inside job" I've always maintained.

Thank You,

Kathy Caudle

Salt Lake City, UT

On 08-Jan-2008, Danny wrote:

If it was a conspiracy, and we have not found anything concrete by now, what makes you think we will find anything later? It is time to move on. This happened 44 years ago. Call it an assissination, a coup detat or what ever you want, Kennedy is still dead. If it was a conspiracy, they got away with it. Lets move on.

On 25-Nov-2007, Dick in Seattle wrote:

This was a coup d'Etat by the Establishment big money interests (see Prof. Donald Gibson) and their agents and supporters in the CIA, ONI, FBI, and the military, as well as the former Batista refugees in Miami and other anti-Castro groups. Adding to these were southern white rascists such as fired Army General Edwin Walker and other anti-Kennedy bigots. The picture of General Edward Lansdale walking past the "three tramps" (see Garrison's On the Trail of Assassins") is particularly notable. Our Establishment corporate, Right-of-center media, noted by CIA Dir.Colby as being "owned" by them, has been instrumental in aggressively covering up this pivotal crime in American history. Notable also is J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI in covering up this crime and obstructing justice. (note efforts of his associate J. Lee Rankin on the Warren Commission which he effectively ran.)

On 23-Nov-2007, pjk wrote:

...the overwhelming majority once believed the world was flat, too. I am not interested in what the overwhelming majority believe. I am interested in the truth and the truth is evident here: Lee Harvey Oswald killed JKF by himself... Go ahead and reopen the investigation - the case already has been solved, though. Remember the 1981 exhumation of Oswald? Dental records proved it was him in the grave but did that convince the doubters? No...

On 21-Nov-2007, shadowgroup wrote:

It seems that the pjk's and Paul May,s are are fighting a loosing battle for their " case closed" war on people who do not believe in the lone nut theory. I think they would be all for the reopening the jfk case, because in their own minds, they could have the last laugh. The overwhelming majority of all over the world are convinced that they are wrong.

On 29-Oct-2007, Steve Aldrich wrote:

To clarify my previous comments..if Oswald did shoot from the 6th floor, would he have taken the time to wipe all 3 cartridges clean, including the one with a dented lip that could not possibly have been fired?..why wipe them clean, then leave the gun so open to discovery..whats with the "jacket" dumped by the shooter of Tippit, that was never able to be traced to Oswald?..And one more thing that ive always wondered about..what was the schedukled motorcade routes for the rest of Kennedy's Texas trip?..Did any of them pass by possible assasination sites, in case Dallas had been called off?..Maybe i have too much time on my hands..thanks for letting me vent!

On 27-Oct-2007, Steve Aldrich wrote:

Anyone seriously interested in the case, should read the best book on the subject.."Six Seconds In Dallas" by Josiah Thompson..this book, written 40 years ago is the best and most honest appraisal of the conspiracy..Raising questions about why there were no fingerprints on the shell casings?..whereb the magic bullet was found?..and to hear your comments

On 09-Oct-2007, Nino wrote:

..Oswald married the daughter of a high ranking officer..I am sure this happens all the time..he then returns to the US and promptly joins a fair play for cuba committee..he then purchases a rifle from a mail order catalog..takes a shot at General Walker who was fired from his job in Germany for indoctrintating his troops with anti-communist information..misses Walker,his wife does not go to the police..then tragically murders our president..he then is gunned down by a professional pimp and thus no trial..the result..a huge anti-gun movement,the right-wing is condemned (go figure) and JFK is made into a LBJ..a bigoted rascist from Texas beats Goldwater..A fine man who never would have gotten us involved in a no-win war in Nam...

On 04-Oct-2007, Linda wrote:

Thank you Peter from Austria. How said that we once again have to go outside the confines of the United States in order to hear the real truth. Because we sure won't hear it here! And for those of you who believe the government's "official" version of the JFK assassination, you might want to take a second look at 9/11 if you think your government is looking out for you. Google "Operation Northwoods", then tell me we were attacked by mediocre Saudi pilots on 9/11. I once lived in the American Dream world too, then I woke up.

On 02-Oct-2007, Nino wrote:

Question always is..who benefited the most out of the this case the murder of the president. First LBJ was elected on a sympathy was a white southern rascist with a questionaable past who beat a fine man Goldwater who had a great record on civil rights and would never have gotten us intangled in Nam..then it became harder to buy rifles thru the mail.and also the growing right wing movement in America was hurt for they picketed JFK and thus were somehow mean spirited...

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